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Leo's POV
"See ya next fall!" Mikey yelled as he kicked the footbots down the elevator shaft. "Yes! I told you I would say it next elevator shaft fight!" He said, fist bumping the air.

I rolled my eyes at Mikey's childishness. "We know. We just don't care." Raph snorted. "C'mon Mikey! We have to continue climbing before more footbots come!" I yelled and pulled myself up the ropes of the elevator.

Earlier that evening while on patrol, we had spotted some footbots near an abandoned warehouse -a really cliché place to be honest- and had tried to see what they were up to. Everything was going fine, until Mikey tripped and fell, alerting them of our presence and hence we were in this situation. "You're just jealous of my awesome puns," Mikey grinned as he pulled himself up.

I shook my head. Mikey had the most raw talent among the four of us. Why he never put his potential to full use was-and still is-always a mystery to me. He was always goofing around. If he put more effort into training and stopped cracking stupid jokes, he would be way better at Ninjitsu, and we would do way better on missions.

"No one is jealous of your puns Mikey. They're worst than Leo's! And he has the worst puns!" Donnie panted as he climbed. "I'm right here guys," "that's the point," Raph muttered. I ignored them as they continued squabbling, and focused on the climb instead. We were almost to the top. I could hear the footbots below us and a sense of Dejá vú (Idk how to spell..sorry guys :p) hit me like a can of mutagen. It was like the time we first fought the footbots and I got captured. I shuddered, hoping that would never happened again.

I hoisted myself up, the sight before me so terrible, even Captain Ryan would feel the slightest bit of fear. Fishface, Rahzar, The Footbots and Tigerclaw were waiting for us. Raph, Donnie and Mikey, got Up and took a while to register the scene before them.

Mikey stepped back in disbelief and Raph had to catch him before he fell, smacking him for his carelessness, to which he smiled sheepishley. The footbots below finally reached the top and we stepped forward, avoiding the tips of their swords. I stared at the troop of baddies surrounding us. We were cornered. Rahzar smiled evilly. "We've got you now, freaks,"

A/N:First chapter! :D yay! Hope you enjoyed it! I forgot to mention the story takes place a little after Leo gets turtle-napped by Karai and Dogpound gets mutated...but for some reason Tigerclaw is here..don't judge my messed up logic. #Izlidat I have also mapped out the story and have decided there will be a sequel to this :3 YAYYYYY! Whoops .-. Spoilers. *sheepish grin* Next Chapter will be up soon! Bye!!

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