Chapter 6: in love right now?

Start from the beginning

"A story for another day love" I whispered as I spun her around and brought her back to my chest.

"But it changed you? Whatever happened to your sister it changed you?" She question.

"Yeah" I mumbled as I looked down at her "I've been afraid" I then told her honestly.

"Afraid of what?"

"Afraid that if I let anyone close to me again or love someone again that they will be taken away from me" I growled as I held her tighter and my eyes became clouded.

"Baby look at me" she said as she then placed both her hands at the side of my face, I looked at her and for the first time it was like everything I've ever worried about just vanishes.

"I'm not going anywhere. Your stuck with me from this point on, looks like you'll have to deal with it. Mate" she said which caused me so smile.

That word...mate. It felt like the second those words left her mouth a light was shot into me and nothing else mattered in this world but her.

For the first time in forever I felt complete, so I did the only thing I could think of that would show her I believed her words.

I gently cupped her chin between my thumb and finger.

I held eye contact with her as she looked up at me with her little bambi eyes, I lent forward and my lips connected with hers.

Fireworks exploded out of my body, a glow enveloped around our bodies.

The start of two becoming one and I fucking loved the feeling.

We pulled away and her eyes stayed closed for a second before she opened them and stared at me once more with sparkling eyes.

"Wow" she whispered, I smiled before taking her back into my arms and continued to face with her.

I heard her yawn and gently rubbed her back as I moved around slowly.

Then within minutes she became limb and I smiled then picked her up into my arms and began to walk upstairs.

"I want to stay with you" she mumbled in her sleep as she buried her head into my neck.

I smiled more and walked her to my room and gently laid her on my bed, just as I stood up I felt someone else step into the room.

I let out a growl but my brothers voice cut me short.

"You know you can just teach her right? and don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about" Jacob then walked into the bedroom and up to serenity.

He gave her a kiss on her forehead which made a couple of visible sparks come from his lips, making me growl against.

Then he walks to the door, good don't let the door hit you on the way out brother.

But happiness is cut short sadly and he turns to me and said "don't keep denying it ry, you know what she is-

just like you know about me and yourself, it wasn't your fault about Sarah but we could find her and we will! just think about helping your mate before something like that happens again!!" and like that he was gone.

Okay! Be the Peter Pan of happy moods and just take it away.

With a huff, I got in bed and wrapped my arms around serenity.

Could I help her?

Would she let me?

I can't let something like what happened to Sarah happen again only to serenity this time, I just cant.

That was the final thought I had before I fell asleep with my beloved mate.


So yes I have rewrote this chapter.

As I've said before I've decided to take serenity in a different direction then my 15 year old self had planned.

I've also planned on rebuilding Ryder and presenting him as I would my male characters in my recent books.

So a massive change will be made to my characters within this book and other books I will be editing. That's if changed do need to be made to them.

Anyways I hope you like this new rewritten chapter and I just wanted to show you guys Ryder has a soft side to him and the reason he acts the way he does.

This will not be the last edited update coming your way. More will be there soon.




Really hoping that soon this book will to go to a million reads.


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