Chapter 46 - Royal Announcement

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry-*sniff*-I just- I couldn't save him *sniff *" My words are intermingled with my sobs as I let my happiness run through me. "He's back~" I sob at the thought that Julius will be at today's ceremony to see my babies. I clearly remember it being one of his dying wishes to meet them. "Wait-" I sniffle. "You said he was stuck at 13. Does that mean he's going to have to go through puberty again? Oh that poor guy." Fuegoleon closes his eyes and gives an exasperated sigh.

"I can see you're feeling just fine."

"Wait, so what happens when he goes to the bar now? He obviously won't match his ID. Can he even sign legal documents now that he's 13 even though his soul is 42? Will he –"

"Would you look at that, it appears that Alexa is done eating. Give her here and I'll take care of her. You go get ready for the day." I'm left to pout as my daughter is taken from my arms and Salamander dumps me out of my rocking chair so I can shower. But as soon as I get up and away from the rocking chair, it hops in the seat and curls up, ready for it's own nap. Grumbling at the rudeness of the fire spirit I trudge my way into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After a long hot shower, I dried my hair and decided to wear it half up – half down for today's event. I braided the front in two long braids that pulled to the back. This seem to compliment the new attire I was given for today. A light white shirt, not unlike my usual one, was given to me. However, this one had open shoulders, dark blue forearm cuffs and a high necked vest that closed at my neck, was to go over the simple shirt. Then a simple, light weight corset, matching the same blue went over my waist, covering up the waistline of the blue and gold free flowing skirt I was given. The fabric is exquisite and feels like silk against my soft skin.

                  "Who designs these outfits? Don't they know it's probably just going to get ruined with baby spit?" I mutter to myself coming out of the bathroom

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"Who designs these outfits? Don't they know it's probably just going to get ruined with baby spit?" I mutter to myself coming out of the bathroom. I half expect to hear an explanation on the social protocol of today's announcement, but I get nothing. Looking around the room I see he's fallen asleep on the bed with both girls sound asleep on his chest. I smile lightly at the sight before me. I don't know why I had any doubts before on if he wanted kids at all. Mira starts to stir and in turn wakes up her sister. Quietly I approach the bed and pick up the girls as not to wake the sleeping lion in front of me. "Come on you two, mommy needs her breakfast and coffee if we're to survive today." I tell them. I place them in their carriers and grab their pacifiers, blankets and a toy or two to keep the satisfied while we make our way to the mess hall. This is the first time since I've fallen ill that the girls have left the room so none of the squad members have met them.

There's not a lot of people in the mess hall when I get there. Surely many of the knights were still out helping secure the kingdom, plus I don't know of many members who would be here at 6 in the morning for breakfast. The usual crowd started to come in around 7, so that gives me plenty of time to eat my chosen breakfast without being overwhelmed. I sigh happily as I fill my plate with doughnuts, crispy bacon and other sugary confectionaries. I really missed getting to choose my own food. Being stuck in bed meant that Fuegoleon got to choose my food for me, which usually meant a balanced meal including way more veggies than I would have chosen for myself. But today I was free to choose what I wanted.

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