Can't You See? (Fluff)

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I never meant for it to happen, I really didn't. If I could go back in time, I would definitely change things, just so I didn't have to feel this way. Having feelings for someone but being too scared to say anything is awful. I've tried to go on dates with other people, but it feels wrong, it almost feels like I'm cheating, which I know is ridiculous.

I met Brendon at High School, we bonded over our love of music but I never pursued my dreams. I settled for a mediocre job with decent pay, while Brendon travelled the world playing to his adoring fans. He could have easily dropped me, he could have forgotten all about me, but he didn't. Every small act of kindness reinforced my feelings for him. I've tried to fight them, tried to deny that I have feelings for him in that way, but there's no point anymore. I'm in love with, completely and utterly in love with him. I've wanted to tell him for so long, but I don't want to ruin our friendship.

Just as I'm caught up in my thoughts for the millionth time, my phone rings, making me jump. Brendon.

"Hey you, did you wanna meet up tomorrow? Rehearsals don't start for another week, so wanted to try and see you as much as I can before I'm busy" He says and my stomach does a somersault. Hearing him say he actually wants to spend time with me never fails to make my day.

"Yeah sure, what did you wanna do?" I ask.

"Shall we grab some food? It'll give us a chance to catch up then we can just go with the flow really" He says and I agree. We speak for a little bit longer before ending the call, then he follows up with a text confirming where to meet tomorrow. 

I can't hide my feelings anymore, I need to tell him before he goes away on tour. We've always said that we'd be fully honest with each other, no matter how difficult the truth may be. I feel like this has been a weight I've been carrying for way too long.

*The Next Day*

Walking to the restaurant, I feel weirdly nervously. I barely slept last night, I kept running through a script in my head, working out how I'm going to say it. It's not everyday that you have to tell your best friend that you're in love with him. 

"Table booked for Urie" I say to the Waitress and she nods, grabbing a menu for me.

"They're already here, if you'd like to follow me" She says, making her way through the restaurant. They?? Brendon never mentioned anything about somebody else joining us.

"Y/N! Hey, it's so good to see you" Brendon says, standing up to give me a hug. But, I'm too busy staring at the Blonde sat at our table.

"Oh, this is Isla, my girlfriend" Brendon says and Isla flashes a smile at me, reaching out her hand for me to shake, which I do. Girlfriend? I feel as if I've been stabbed straight through the heart and I have to try so hard to stop myself from crying. 

"It's good to meet you Y/N, Brendon's told me so much about you!" She says and I feel a stab of anger. I want to hate her, but I don't. From first impressions, she seems so sweet but God do I envy her. 

The meal is nice, but I feel deflated and I hate feeling that I have to put on an act. I'm utterly heartbroken, I'd spent the whole day preparing myself to tell him how I really feel. I should have known he'd find a girlfriend, especially one as beautiful as Isla. Who was I kidding? Who the hell could ever love me anyway?

Isla is nice enough, asking me questions about what I do and just general questions, but I can only manage half-hearted replies through fear of bursting into tears. 

"I hate to cut this short, but there's somewhere I need to be. It was very nice to meet you Isla and I'm sure I'll see you around Brendon" I say, not making eye contact with either of them as I hurry out of the restaurant. I hear Brendon call after me, but I just keep looking down as I speed walk all the way home. 

A message pings through on my phone, from Brendon.

Y/N, are you okay? Message me asap x

I begin to type a reply before deleting it and turning my phone off. I head upstairs and collapse onto the bed, not bothering to try and stop the tears from falling. I was so so stupid for believing that Brendon would ever feel the same way. How could I for one second let myself believe that anyone would like me? There's nothing special about me, I'm a waste of space. 

Brendon's POV:

I try my best to carry on as normal with Isla, but there's an uneasy feeling inside me ever since Y/N left. I couldn't help but notice the deflated look on her face when she realised it wasn't just the two of us at the meal. I should have told her beforehand, I just really wanted her to meet Isla. But, there's something else bothering me. I realised during the meal that there was little things here and there that Isla was doing that was bothering me. It took everything within me not to make some sarcastic comment. God, I've messed up big time. I've rushed into something and I'm not even sure it's what I want. I'm not sure it's who I want. 

"I'll call you a cab, Zack has just texted me about a last minute meeting" I say, pretending to read a text off my phone. Isla looks visibly annoyed but she doesn't say anything, just nods with her teeth clenched. 

As soon as her cab drives off, I start sprinting towards Y/N's house. I knock furiously on the door but there's no reply. I call her phone several times but it goes straight to voicemail. Suddenly, I remember her pointing out where she keeps a spare key so I retrieve it and let myself in.

"Y/N? Y/N it's me, Brendon. Are you okay?" I call out, looking in all the downstairs rooms before making my way up the stairs. I check in her bedroom but it's empty. Suddenly, I hear some noise coming from the bathroom but when I try the door, it's locked.

"Y/N, let me in. I want to make sure you're okay, please let me in" I rattle the door handle a bit before stepping back, allowing her to open the door. When she does, I notice the tears running down her cheeks but then my eyes quickly dart to her thighs.

"Y/N! Sit down, it's gonna be alright. I'm here now" I say, grabbing a towel, dampening it under the tap before pressing it to her thigh. 

"What happened?" I ask and she lets herself drop into my arms, huge sobs escaping her body.

"It'll sound so stupid, I just want you to be happy. But I love you Brendon, I'm so in love with you. That's what I was going to tell you today but then Isla was there, I want you to be happy and if that's with her, I'll stand by you" She says, her words slightly stuttered due to her tears.

"It's not going to be with Isla. I think I jumped into that too quickly. Yes, she's attractive but she's shallow" I explain, wrapping an arm aorund her.

"You'll find someone Urie, I know you will" She whispers, her breathing calming down slightly. 

"I already have, it just took me a while to realise it" I say, placing my hand under her chin to tilt her face towards me. We both gaze into eachother's eyes for a few moments before I lean in, placing my lips against hers. The kiss is gentle but it's enough to confirm that Y/N is the one for me.

Absolute trash, but I think I might be back ahahahah

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