"Watch it, Kennedy, he's serious..."

"When is he not?" Kennedy mumbled as he turned over, releasing me from his embrace so that I could hurry to the bathroom.

"What was that shit you pulled last night, huh?" I said and looked down at my stomach. It was becoming a bad habit. Venting and arguing with my own belly wasn't something I ever saw myself doing, no matter how weird I was. "First trimester's over, bud... time to cut the nausea... I'm basically your god right now so I will demand respect... and less crying... thank you."

"Who are you talking to?" Jayden yawned in the doorframe. I yelped and tried to pull my underwear up in a haste since they were still down. My fumbling fingers didn't seem to get the message of haste though. "Calm down, it's not like I haven't seen it before..." he chuckled.

"Have you ever heard of privacy?!" I yelled at him.

"You didn't lock the door."

"You knew I was in here!"

"Why are you shy all of a sudden? You never were before..." he squinted his eyes and eyes me from top to toe while I held my hands over my chest and crotch.

Of course, I wasn't embarrassed before. I looked normal before. I didn't have weird pointy, tender nipples or a fucking baby bump the last time he saw me like this. To be fair, he had seen me shirtless yesterday, and then again in the bathroom when I threw up, and now... dammit. My face heated up.

"P-piss of!" I shot at him before stalking out of the bathroom.

Mrs Taraha spoke fondly about her journalist days before she decided to become a college professor instead. Now she stood in front of a large class of aspirin journalists in an auditorium that steered all the attention to her. Why did I decide to study journalism? The question was a simple one but I couldn't quite answer it. Jayden had an answer when people asked him why he wanted to study biomedical engineering, he just said he wanted to improve people's health and abilities by creating useful products for all types of disabilities and physical set-backs. Apparently, his younger sister was born without an arm and he wanted to help her create a usable, mechanical replacement for the limb she never had.

Kennedy wanted to become a political journalist and get involved in debates and interviews with politicians and leaders around the world. He wanted a deeper understanding of different ideologies and how people think, therefore he studied journalism to be able to work with understanding a verity of people and showing their good and bad intentions to the world.

But why did I study journalism? It wasn't something I ever really thoroughly thought about when I applied. I just kind of picked what seemed interesting. So when people asked me the question: "why did you choose to study journalism?" My answer was always a mix of bullshit. I'd say that I wanted to meet interesting people and understand their stories. Sometimes I said it was because I liked writing articles. Other times I said that it had been a childhood dream. When my parents asked I told them that I chose it because it was something I could see myself doing in the future. That wasn't entirely a lie. I could indeed see myself becoming a journalist but I never really thought about the future before my life decided to take a detour and start going down a different route than I had originally thought or planned.

"Micah, are you feeling good?" Mrs Taraha whispered in her heavy accent and bent down to face me.

"Wha..." I fumbled before it clicked in my head what she was trying to ask. "Yeah, I'm feeling alright..."

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