Chp 2- Mercy

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The slave and also Pearl's friend (Lydia Adams)
Dedicating this chapter to Shawn Mendes's song named Mercy.
Shawn Mendes--Mercy.
(It explains Lydia's feelings)

Lydia's POV


Loving was hurting.

Loving was pain, a headache for your heart and a pain to the core of your soul.

I stood near the bed watching Pearl hug neddy as they slept peacefully and quietly. I know am probably being a freak by doing this but it is kinda of my routine to watch her sleep but I loved it better when she wasn't holding someone.

She was named Pearl, her skin perfectly glowed even in her sleep while her lips stood juicy and plumb.

I watched painfully as she countinusly tightened her hold on Neddy like he was her oxygen and carbon dioxide.

I still couldn't understand what I lacked that Neddy had, he didn't know anything about Pearl's body but I kept on wondering what he had that I didn't.

A dick or the brains?

Pearl choose a skinny submissive that was intelligent yet weak, cute but not hot, dark haired but not talented in bed.

I swallowed before reaching my hand and placing it in her braided hair before rubbing her soft cheek bones which made her sign.

I mustered enough strength to walk to the L sofa and turned on the TV making sure that the volume wasn't that high but just enough for me to hear.

I turned to the news with deep thoughts.

Now that Neddy was back where would I sleep, me and Pearl shared a room but with a third person there, Pearl was definitely going to kick me out of the room and that would leave me to one solution which was to move to the basement, with the rest of the slaves.

When we first arrived here, Stephanie the Mafia of slaves kicked us inside a huge ass basement that had a lot of mattresses squeezed together and that was extremely uncomfortable. Stephanie was nothing but a spoilt princess and she annoyed me to no end.

The TV suddenly flashed a topic I couldn't avoid and I sat up straighter in order to listen to what was going to be said.

"The Creak orphanage was burned down and along with it many children died--"

If only they knew that those people were grown ass individuals that got a fake identify and pretending to be kids.

"But police believe that the accident was actually planned and not faked because a lot of guns were found. None of the kids survived and the crime scene is currently being investigated as the police try to find a clue how one or two people could destroy a place of residence. Detective Conan O'Brien has this to say about the current issue."

I watched as a brown haired guy who wore the blue police outfit came to view and behind him was the ugly scene of the burnt orphanage.

"We don't know how this happened but we will get to the bottom of this. A lot of children have died but we can bring them justice. The orphanage didn't make it through the fire because we found a hint that there were bombs planted around the building but rest assured that we are working on it..."

And then the reporter man's ugly face came through and I resisted to grimace.


Couldn't they have placed a female reporter and I could just sit comfortably while eye raping her boobs.

"And--" I took the remote and shut off the TV.

Pearl risked a lot just for a nerd and we have spend days together no scratch that, it had been years. It was painful to watch the day she brought Neddy here, I remember watching them climb the stairs and go into her room. I paced and paced until they came out and when they were eating on the pool, Pearl made sure they shared a plate of food while she fed him and he accepted that even forgetting that everyone around them including Pearl's family was watching them.

They were in their own world and I was wondering if that would have been me, what would happen if it was only me.

When neddy was kidnapped I tried to take Pearl and make her mine but she only drifted away and far from my reach.

She didn't have mercy on my heart although I prayed she did, and now I needed a huge drink so I decided to leave the room and drown my self in pity and depression by using alcohol. I definitely cannot be blamed for that.

I quietly left the room before making sure that I wouldn't meet Isaiah Kane's children and once the coast was clear, I tip toed through the hallway only to see Stephanie come out of her room.


Pearl found someone and know I met the spoilt brat.

I immediately stood in the slave position which was to stand still and your head should gaze on the floor. It was a sign of showing respect and total adoration.

Adoration my ass.

"You there! What on earth are you out of the basement...I specifically said that you lazy shits shouldn't leave that place." She said and I rolled my eyes because she was being dramatic about such issues.

One of the slaves betrayed the Kane's so we are all getting punished for it... literally so we were not allowed to leave the basement unless necessary and we also didn't eat food for a full day including not bathing but I did all of those things because I shared a room with Pearl.

All I had to do was to make sure I wasn't caught in the act.

"Forgive me my Queen..but lady Pearl had requested my presence." I informed resisting a grimace. What is this the days where there was some Knights and some lame armors that didn't exist at all.

"Look at me slave." She ordered and I froze..we were never supposed to look at her face even if it was her that told you so. I stayed placid waiting for her to repeat that.

"Look at me." She said again and I did. Her dark hair a flowing rythm upon her shoulders, lips pink and delicious, complimented by the piecing on her bottom lip hard her blue black eyes watched me with deep interest.

"What's your name?" She asked and I blinked a few times before going over the possibilities of me giving her my name.

Did she want to do some lame background check on me but I don't care anyway. Tonight I was definitely sleeping in a motel, away from Pearl and her so called neddy.

"Lydia... Lydia Adams my Queen." I said making her roll her eyes then she wiggled them as if to say you can leave peasant. My eye twitched at that but I didn't care, I was leaving to get booze.

I left her behind so I could drown in my own sorrows.

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