
You volunteered at St Mungo's all the time, you did it a lot more at Christmas though as people got lonelier this time of year. You were checking on Lockheart when you heard people coming, you left him a glass of water, letting him write you out an autograph, you headed to the bottom of the hall and opened the curtain to Mr and Mrs Longbottom, you smiled at them and Mrs Longbottom handed you a candy wrapper. 
"Thank You Mrs Longbottom." She climbed back into her bed and you topped up their water and changed their flowers over, Mr Longbottom took hold of your hand opening it and placing something inside, you were about to look when Neville came through with his Grandma.
"Lovely to see you again Y/N." She said dragging you into a hug, you smiled looking at Neville. He didn't tell anyone about his parents, and when you found out you didn't tell him you knew. You didn't want to talk about his business when it wasn't yours to talk about. 
"I'll leave you all alone." You said leaving and shutting the curtains behind you. Neville followed you out, taking your hand and pulling you to the side. 
"Thank you," You stared at him confused. 
"For not telling anyone about them," You sent him a reassuring smile. 
"It's not my business to talk about, they're really lovely people Neville." You said taking him to your little office area and showing him all the candy wrappers you had been getting from them. 
"You keep them?" You nodded, adding the one Mrs Longbottom had given you and pulling out the thing Mr Longbottom had given you, except it wasn't a candy wrapper it was a necklace. A locket, Neville opened it up and inside was a photo of Mr and Mrs Longbottom holding Neville as a baby. 
"Whoa." You whispered looking at them smiling and moving Neville from their arms to his mums hip. 


"Harry this isn't a good idea." You said from under his invisibility cloak, you were following Fred and George's map out of the school. Neither of you had gotten your permission slips signed and you really wanted to see the village and get some sweets. Fred and George were waiting for you with a hoodie of theirs to hide under but you were worried you were going to get caught, you were almost out of the secret passage when you tripped over, Harry grabbed your hand out of habit to help you stand up and just never let go. You were blushing like mad and so glad he was looking where he was going and not down at you. 


You were in the burrow for Christmas, it was a nice quiet morning, Christmas Eve. You were baking with Mrs Weasley in the kitchen while the boys, Hermione and Ginny were out playing Quiddich or just watching. You were about to pull a tray out of the oven when you heard Fred and George yelling for Molly, you ran out with her to see Ron lying on the floor clutching his arm in pain.
"Ron!" You screamed rushing to his side and looking at him, Molly took a look at his arm shaking his head. 
"Broken." You took hold of his good hand and he sat up straight on the floor, he gripped yours tightly as Molly began to inspect his broken one. 
"How'd it happen?" You asked, fingers were pointed at George who was looking guilty. 
"I playfully bumped into him and sort of knocked him to the ground." You sighed looking at Ron, your hands were still linked together even though Molly had mended the bone, he had a bright pink colour on his cheeks which of course his two older twin brothers began to tease him about


You back was against the wall in the shrieking shack, you'd followed Ron, Hermione and Harry out here before Snape could. 
"Sirius?!" You yelled looking at the dog, which then turned into a man, you hadn't seen him since the night that Harry's parents died. 
"Get away from him he's a murderer!" Harry yelled, you shook your head throwing your arms around the man and not wanting to let go, at one point he had been your husband to be before leaving because he'd ''killed'' Peter and given away James and Lily's hiding spot away. 
"Harry he didn't do it." You yelled looking back at the boy in front of you. Ron's leg was clearly broken and you left Sirius to try and help mend it as much as you could. 
"Ron I'm not great at legs but I've fixed a couple of noses okay." He nodded and you took a deep breath, clearing your throat. 
"brackium emendo" A spark flew out of your wand and his leg gave a twitch. 
"Same spell Lockheart used, except he's shit." You said standing up and looking around the room, Remus had entered now and Sirius was itching to get a hold of Scabbers, you grabbed him for him and Remus and Sirius began shooting off spells to change him back.

When Peter stood before you, you grabbed Sirius' hand in fear and Sirius gave you a reassuring smile and then let go, you went back over to the kids to protect them. 
"You've been helping Sirius in and out of the castle?" Hermione asked looking at you, you shook your head. 
"I had no idea he was here until I followed you all down here. But I knew he didn't kill Peter or give up Harry's parents, I tried to testify but the ministry...well you know what they're like."

Young Remus

It was no secret you were afraid of your defence against the dark arts class, you were scared of everything that went bump in the night, everyone in your close friend group knew this so James, Sirius and Remus would make sure to stand with you whenever you were in the glass doing practical work, today the professor had brought in a Boggot so when you knew your greatest fear was going to be on display for everyone to see you began to freak out a little bit more. You were the next in line behind James and you could already tell it wasn't going to be a good time for you. 
"Right you next Miss Y/L/N." You gripped onto Remus' hand and he protectively linked your fingers together, you felt a jolt throughout your body and you smiled back at him, it was as if he'd given you the courage to take it on. The door of the wardrobe opened and you took a deep breath, it began to turn into what you feared the most, Remus on the floor bleeding out, people in the room began to laugh but you shook your head,
"Riddikulus!" You yelled putting all of the willpower you had behind you. The scene changed to James hitting Sirius with a whipped cream pie and you walked over to the back of class with James. 

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