F O R T Y - T H R E E : P O S I T I V E

Start from the beginning

"Katarina dear, how are you enjoying married life?" Gabriella smiles warmly at me as she brings me in for a hug.

"Oh it's great. I've never been happier," I smile at her and I can tell she's happy to hear it.

I think she was worried that Dante wouldn't be a decent husband since he wasn't that great with women before me but she couldn't be further from the truth. He's been an amazing husband since we've been married. Honestly our relationship hasn't changed from how it was before. We both take care of one another and our family. The way a marriage should be. You're a team and one isn't inferior to the other.

The front door opens and Jax, Nadine, and Mickey come walking in. I invited them over as well because they're not only family but also because I know having them here would make Dante feel more comfortable when he announces to his father his decision on becoming the leader of their clan.

"There she is!" Nadine beams as she comes walking up to me. She's even bigger now and only a couple months away from having her little bundle of joy.

"Hey mama," I smile back at her and pull her in for a warm hug.

"So did it take? Are you pregnant?" she asks quietly while Jax is talking to Dante's parents.

"I'm not sure yet. I haven't taken the test but I am a few days late. Just not sure if it's because I stopped taking the pill a month ago and it's taking a while for my body to reset or I'm pregnant," I smile nervously and she bounces with excitement.

"Oh I hope it did sweetie. No one deserves to be a mother more than you after everything that's happened," she smiles at me and gently pats my belly.

I can't help but laugh as Dante comes walking through the door and automatically looks down at Nadine's hand on my belly. His eyes go wide and he looks at me expectantly. I shake my head with a sympathetic smile and he pouts.

Dante, bless his soul, been patient the last couple weeks to find out if I'm pregnant or not. He thinks I haven't notice him running his hand over my belly at night when we lie in bed to go to sleep. Even when he wakes up in the morning before I open my eyes and he thinks I'm still asleep, I'll feel him slide down my body and press his lips to my stomach.

Dante looks into my eyes from across the room with a warm smile. God I hope I'm pregnant. We deserve this after everything.

"Son, happy to see you," Lucius smiles at Dante and puts a firm hand on his shoulder.

"You too Dad," he gives him a side glance and looks back at me. He's trying to be civil with him for my sake.

"Oh my baby boy, how are you?" Gabriella cries out and wraps him up in her arms. He smiles warmly down at her and hugs her back.

Even though he's still upset with his parents, he still loves them. He can't bring himself to be hateful towards his mother. Dante may act like a big bad demon but he's the most loving and devoted man I know.

"I'm doing well Mom. Thank you for coming," he gently kisses her temple.

"Sorry to interrupt but the table is set," Skye smiles with a small bow and I can't help but smile at her.

"Thank you sweetie," I tell her as she walks up to me. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her forehead. Joseph walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I gently run my fingers through the soft waves of his hair.

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