"So this is the girl you are always talking about" Khalil cocked a brow smiling and I blushed a little hating myself because of it.

Justin nodded slowly before pecking my cheek and even though I really wanted to slap him across the face I didn't want to mess with him in front of his friends.

"I hope you last long" A deep husky voice said and I instantly snapped my head towards Jason's direction. He wore a cheeky smile as he examined my body carelessly.

"Watch your mouth Jason, you don't want to get yourself into trouble, do you?" Justin barked at him as he gripped on my waist tightly.

The atmosphere grew thicker and silent as the residents looked at both Jason and Justin who seemed to have an eye fight from my point of view.
The sudden sound of Justin's phone cut off the staring fight and he slid his phone out of his pocket before placing it right next to his ear.

"Yeah?... Now?... Ok... Ok... Yeah, I got the guys here we will be there in 10" Justin said in his conversation with whoever was at the other line of the call before he stood licking his lips in the act. "Scooter set a mission for us, we gotta go" He said and I had to resist the urge of laugh right in their faces- A mission? Dude what is this, some type of game?

"Robin you can stay with Katrina and make sure she is ok" Justin said to the manly girl who nodded sighing probably because she wasn't up to the idea of babysitting me. Neither was I.

In matters if seconds the boys headed to the entrance and left the house. Sounds of cars roaring like monsters could be perceived before they disappeared in the road.

I sighed relaxing my back as I closed my eyes. The sudden sound of someone clearing her throat made me open my eyes slightly.

"So uhm... Hi Katrina, I hope you are doing fine" Her voice wasn't high pitched up but it wasn't the lowest and deepest either.

I faintly smiled to her before realisation hit me- Maybe she can help me to escape!

I quickly sat straight leaning forward just to grab her full attention. "I need help! Justin kidnapped me! I need to get back home, can you please call the police?" My eyes sparkled a little as maybe this is my chance to escape.

"Oh yeah... Well I cant do much about that... I kinda guessed that Kat, well probably we all did, Justin is not the sweetest and reasonable guy when it comes to women" She informed me and all my hopes were totally crashed down due to this new information.

So all of them know that Im kidnapped yet they don't even move a muscle to save me... Alright then.

"Please Robin, I want to see my father he is alcoholic, He doesn't work without me he wont be able to pay the bills I really need to go back home" I pleaded as tears threatened my eyes.

She looked over to me with sorrowful eyes as she pressed her lips tight together. "Im really sorry Kat but Justin has done a lot for me and I cant betray him... Just do what he asks you to do and everything will be fine" She finally said rubbing my arms with her hands trying to soothe me a little.

"What has he done to help you? If Im allowed to ask" I questioned trying to forget about the fact that now is 8 versus 1.

She nodded as a wide smile appeared on his face. "I don't know if you have noticed but I'm not the most feminine girl existing" She chuckled pointing to herself with both arms and I nodded giggling a little "Well I used to work with my grandpa and father on a farm field and I really had struggles in school since I didn't have money to dress in uniform and look decent, I was picked on because of that and because of my family, It reached a point where I couldn't deal with the constant hate so I quit school and sadly I blamed my family so I escaped to the city, I thought that It was going to be an easy life, you know, start from the beginning, a new life" She stopped to breath in oxygen as I nodded listening to her story "But life wasn't that easy and I ended up in the world of drugs because of an ex-girlfriend, but thanks to Justin I was helped out of the disgusting world and now Im here talking to you" She happily said looking at me.

"I see... So you are lesbian?" I asked trying not to sound rude because it wasn't my intention. She seemed a nice girl after all.

"Yeah, but don't worry, Justin would kill me and Im not into girly-girls" She said dismissively as I tilted my head to the side.

"Im not a girly-girl!" I replied faking a hurt tone making her chuckle.

"Come on! You could easily be a Victoria Secret model!" She said pointing at me in reference.

I chuckled at her compliment. Im starting to like this girl. She is cool although she is part of Justin's gang... "Im sorry that you have to stay babysitting me Robin" I said sympathetically but she kept a smile on her face.

"Its ok, to be honest I'm too tired to go wherever those crazy dudes went and I don't mind staying with you at all" She widened her smiled crossing her eyes as she mentioned the boys making me laugh again.

"Can I ask you something?" I said playing with the ends of my hair and she nodded driving her total attention to me. "Are Jason and Justin related? They look extremely alike" I asked running my fingers through my silky hair.

She nodded almost immediately. "They are cousins, but they actually look a lot alike each other, although they are like little children; always fighting about the smallest things" She rolled her eyes probably at the thought of their fights and I pouted my lips nodding in understandment.

Two hours passed by and Robin and me started to get closer. She was a really nice girl who suffered a lot during her shirt life but I actually envy her positiveness towards every negative thing that appeared in her life. I also spoke to her about my childhood and all the problems that I had to deal with before Justin decided to kidnap me.

Suddenly the main door bursted open and Justin entered the house reluctantly heading upstairs without a word nor a gaze to Robin or me.

"Shit he is mad as fuck!" Alfredo kinda chuckled as he threw himself to the adjacent couch.

"Thats not a good thing" Robin answered widening her eyes adding drama to the situation although I know I could trust her when she said that.

The silence fell over the room as all the boys exchanged looks knowing the hurricane that Justin is and how hard the task of calming him down is- If that is even possible...

"Why doesn't his little toy go and reassures him a little" I heard a raspy voice said bitterly.

I lifted my gaze meeting Jason's brown orbs knowing that he was referring to me. He smirked as he noticed my glare. Dickhead.

"Well honey it happens that Im not his toy and that Im not dumb" I replied venomously wearing the most fake smile I could put on my face.

Some chuckles broke through the room. "I like this girl!" Chaz said approving my comeback.

I felt someone pulling me from my arm. Robin turned me around with a look of concern playing on her face. "You should try to soothe Justin down Kat" She advised me nodding slightly.

"No, thanks, I don't want to end up dead" I faked a laugh knowing perfectly that Justin would probably beat the shit out of me if I annoy him.

"Kat you are probably the only one here who can actually calm him down, give it a chance" She insisted shaking my shoulders a little.

"Whatever" I gave it in rolling my eyes as I turned around ready to go up and probably regret this.

Just as I was about to go up the first step a warm hand held on my wrist stopping me from moving. "Don't get yourself too bad up there Baby" Jason's breath collided with my neck sending shivers down my spine.

I pulled myself out of his grip as he chuckled slowly. I gave him one last look before continuing my way to Justin's room. I guess the Bieber family has the tendency of being jerks.

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