Im Coming Home

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Inside every one of us, there exists a dark side. Most people rise above it, but some are consumed by it. Until there is nothing left, but pure evil.

-- Dr. Paige Summerville

( Chardonnay, Jasmine , & Kalia in the m/m)


-- 2 weeks later --

" what do we do today Charmaine ?" Aisha asked walking into her room and sitting on the bed with me.

" I don't know.. we've looked everywhere that I can think of." I said pushing all the papers on the floor.

" you sure we looked everywhere?" Aisha asked looking at the papers I dropped.

" Yes !" I yelled out in frustration .

" I wouldn't be sure about that." Nat said walking into the room .

" why you say that ?" I asked sitting up looking at her funny .

" we've looked everywhere alright except for the places you don't want to go." Nat said sitting on the floor looking at something on her iPad .

" I still don't get why you said that." I said trying to look at whatever she was .

" oh come on Charmaine you'll have to paint your nose red & stick a broom up your ass if you think I'll believe you don't know . You said Shamika wants to be like your mom right ?" Nat asked looking at me .

" yeah so what !?" I said with a lot of attitude in my voice .

" so why haven't we looked in any of those places where your mom did her work." Nat asked throwing her iPad at me so I could stop struggling to look .

As I looked at the names of every place it just brought back memories . Memories that I wanted to get rid of ! I had refused to ever go back to these places ever again and I'm not breaking that promise, I think .

" you gonna answer that question ?" Aisha asked snapping her fingers in my face looking pissed off .

" we didn't go because of the memories ok. Going there would just bring all that back." I said getting off the bed and walking back and forth .

" Charmaine look if we're going to get Shannyya back you gotta get over your fears." Aisha said standing up walking towards me.

" what's the point ? Shannyya could be dead now. Two weeks later I've failed her." I said sitting down as I felt the tears begin to run down my face.

All this "hard work" and I got nothing done. All I did was look in all the wrong places and now Shannyya could be dead and it's my fault .

" Charmaine she is not dead." Nat said hugging me and wiping the tears away.

" how do you know? The time I had is past dues, she's dead." I said looking at them both just as Dee walked in.

" Charmaine somebody is here to see you." Dee said just as Langston entered the room.

All three of us sat up and just looked at him. We haven't seen him since any of this and over a course of two weeks he looked strangely different . The man looked stressed and from the bags under his eyes a huge lack of sleep. Not only all the but he had bruises on his face we all knew something wasn't right .

" what are you doing here?" I asked him as he sat in the chair by the computer rubbing his head in frustration .

" we need to talk." He said looking at all three of us.

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