Mothers Set Up

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Shannyya P.O.V


It was officially around twelve and I was sick of being down here . I mean it smelled so bad till every time I breath I would gag . The longer I was down here the more I got pissed off which would piss Shamika off cause she had guest , bitch fuck yo guest !

Who in the actual fuck comes to a house that killings done happened in and sit around like everything is fine a dandy ? Like get real !

Once again knocked out of my thoughts with the door opening . I knew it was someone other than Shamika cause when she come this bitch feels the need to make a big entrance . Slamming the door open , Stomping hard coming down the steps .... While singing .

The person had finally came into view it was a guy I ain't never seen before . I was expecting Erica or Te'asia but I got a guy a cute guy but he looked to young so .

" Who the fuck are you ?" I had asked honestly I ain't care if he got mad about my attitude I mean who wouldn't sitting down here .

" That's not anything to worry about . I'm not down here to mess with you I just had to come see exactly where my mom was killed . I never though I would actually step into the place . I wonder how she died I'm sure you know ."

I had just looked at him after he had said that . His mom ? Who was his mom ? But he looked so familiar , honestly it ain't no telling who his mom is I mean Chardonnay killed so many females I don't even know they names . I just remember Jayla crazy ass !

" Well I'm not trying to be funny when I say this but how in the hell am I suppose to know ? Chardonnay killed so many people you gotta come at me better than that . Do you know ya momma name ?"

" Yes , it was Are'onna ."

Oh shit once he said that I knew exactly who he was talking bout . But he's wrong about one thing his momma isn't dead she just blind .

" I know who your mom is and I know what happened to her but your wrong about her being dead . "

" What do you mean she ain't dead ! All this time I've been told she's dead only to find out she isn't ! So exactly what did Chardonnay and y'all do to my mother ."

I just shook my head at this kid , if I was him I wouldn't want to know what happened . But since he wanted to know so bad I being to tell him every detail . From Charmaine bring taken from her mother twice because his mother was in with Jayla , till his mom threatening Charmaine's life , to Chardonnay catching her and the battery acid in her eyes , and Chardonnay letting her go because she suffered enough .

After I told him everything he sat there for a good five minutes taking everything in . Finally he stood up and looked at me and said

" I would help you trust me I would , but right now I gotta find Charmaine and let her know what's up ."

" Charmaine is in Paris and unless you can get there and save her to get her to save me , I'm fucked ."

" Don't worry I got this all in good hands ."

And he left without another word .

Chardonnay P.O.V


12:03pm is what read on Maria clock . She had let me out my " cell " and made me sit in the lunch room with her and talk . I honestly didn't know what to talk about but she said we wouldn't leave until I did .

We just sat here for a hour straight just looking at each other . The more I looked at Maria the more I started to noticed things in here she looked like someone I knew but who ?

Every time I noticed more things in her the more different face expressions I would make and she would mock as if she wanted me to find out something .

" I know you " I had said still looking her straight in the eyes . I did know her but from where exactly ?

" I know you do but how ?"

" I don't know but I do , I've seen you from somewhere ! Look just tell me who you are ." I was getting frustrated because I hated when I knew someone but could never figure it out .

" You've always been the type to get upset about not knowing anything . Just like your father "

Once she said that I stood up and just looked at her this couldn't be life right now . Just as I started backing away from her she started coming towards me I felt like a kid for the first time I was scared but why . This whole time she was alive and watching me I can't believe after all these years the women standing before me is MY MOTHER .

Charmaine P.O.V


As soon as they decided to walk out of the door the broom decided to fall over thanks a lot broom . They stopped dead in their tracks and turned around and started walking towards the closet . I wasn't scared cause I'd just beat they ass but I couldn't say the same about Nat .

You see when Nat was little she was fat and she had boobs in the first grade . So it was these girls that use to pick on her at the time we weren't really friends . Erica was one of the bullies and every time we would go outside Erica , This chick named Niesha , and Delaheaven would beat her ass in the sandbox .

That's why I feel for her now y'all know why she such a lil punk at times . The closer they got to the closet the more ready I got but the phone rang shoot ! I thought I was gonna fight today but I guess not .

The way they rushed out gave me a idea that the call was very important . Once they left out Nat and I watched out the window to see them leave .

" Come on Charmaine we leaving I'm not taking no chances of them coming back ."

" Ooo now look at who's scared . You wanna go head and book a flight back home too ?"

Nat and I climbed out the window and got back in the car and started to head back to the hotel until I got a unknown call . I decided to pull over just to be sure that I ain't get any surprises .

" Hello "




" You know what let her know I'm on my way oh and let them bitches know to run ..... Fast ."

I hung up after that I can't believe this man them weak hoes set me up .......

What y'all think bout to happen with what Chardonnay found out ?

Is this Shannyya mystery boy really gonna help ?

Who called Maine cakes ? What Maine got planned ?

Is Maria about to become apart of this torture mess ?

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- Tori.Arianna-Giselle 😘✨

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