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Everything was almost complete with my playhouse. I was so excited for tonight because this is when the games would began. I refused to go through this pain anymore, I was gonna get revenge for Shannyya. It's now nine at night and Bubbles, Aisha, Nat, and Dee were out looking for all the ones responsible.

   I know it wouldn't take long because that dumb fuck Erica was on twitter and some how had her location. Pretty bold I must say. Also its very sad for her and the rest of her gang though .

I sat in silence looking at the plain white walls where they would sure be stained. I say behind the one way glass smiling as I thought about the screams of torture that would echo.

  I was knocked out my thoughts as the girls walked in the door with unconscious Erica , Shameeka, and the others apart of their team. I watched as the strapped them into the chairs tightly and put a blindfold over their eyes.

   I sat back again and patiently waited for 11:11 for everything to began.


After everything had happened at my sister house I decided to leave because of a phone call I got. I surprised me to hear from this lil woman after all this time. I wondered what she needed to speak to me about that was so important. She sounded very upset.

   I pulled up to the alley where she wanted me to meet her to talk. I still had Jasmine and Kalia with me so I made them stay in to keep this convo just between two. I got out the car and walked where she stood. She turned around looking older than I expected .

  "Ew what happened to your life." I said as King turned around.

   "Bitch a lot if stress came to my life." King said with a voice filled with a lot if stress.

  "Oh well I hope everything gets better. Anyway why did you want to meet with me all of a sudden." I asked getting to the point of us meeting.

"I got some bad news that I found out." King said closing her eyes looking down.

   "What is it?" I said as my heart began to race.

  "Shannyya is dead Chardonnay." King said as she looked back up at me.

I didn't know how to react at all. All I could do was stand against the wall and stare into nothing. The only person I trusted with my Charmaine's life after Tiny died is now dead. This is the third time someone I loved died and I refused to let it keep happening. This all had to end NOW !

Author : omg it has been forever and I apologize ! Well y'all I love this book so much but it will be coming to a end soon I think in about four chapters this will be done. It kills me to say that I remember when I first started this book I was so happy now I'm sad. But not for long I have things still in store with the series . So since you all waited so long for this chapter I promise to start another chapter tonight and I will try to have it posted also . Be ready !

Love you bugga boos 😘😘😘

Excuse any mistakes

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