Taken From Me

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Chapter 12 - Taken From Me.

Charmaine P.O.V.

After I talked to Langston I headed home to change my clothes before meeting him at the park. As always the house was empty but the empty wasn't a good empty. I could tell that Shanayya was here but she never leaves her room messy, by messy I mean things thrown each and every way and anybody that knows Shanayya knows she hates a unclean house. I knew for a fact something couldn't be right and that's when a strange feeling came over me to run downstairs. When I got there I knew something was than very wrong it was broken glass, pieces of hair, and blood spots on the floor. I just knew all this could mean only two things either my godmother is dead or she was taken. All those flashbacks of me being taken begin to come back. Without a care in the world I ran upstairs and called everybody up at the office for a meeting I didn't tell them exactly what. After getting dressed in something comfortable I left everything exactly how I found it, jumped in my car and got to the warehouse quick cause at the moment the only person on my mind of seeing and finding was Shanayya nobody else mattered right now. NOBODY!

Shanayya P.O.V.

My head hurt so bad and my eyes felt heavy all I wanted to do was sleep but I had to figure out where I was. As I was trying to get my eyes open I was also trying to remember what had happen, why was I where I am now? That's when it all hit me, I remember going home to my door being open I had figured maybe Charmaine left school , came home, left and didn't close the door good enough. Without over thinking it I went in the house. I had went in my room to get a few clothes to pack because I planned to spend the night out with a few friends. During the process I kept hearing noises downstairs I didn't pay it any attention really because I was tired and I thought maybe I was hearing things again I thought. As I turned to leave out the room I was faced with a girl that I had seen before, she looked as if she was around Charmaine's age. Next thing I know she charging at me just in time I moved and she felt hitting her head on the end of the table knocking her damn self out. So I ran downstairs and found another women that looked just like the girl upstairs with two men with her. I ran in the kitchen throwing everything I could, next thing I know I'm getting my hair pulled and a cloth put over my face. I only knew one thing that could be on that cloth CHLOROFORM.

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