Im Watching You pt.2

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Charmaine P.O.V

" who was that ?" Dee asked as I took the phone away from my ear.

" I don't know to be honest. It doesn't matter we need to look a little closer y'all . Something is here it has to be those guys didn't come here because we were here." I said as I started walking around the living room.

" Charmaine come look at this." Nat said as she opened a door in the floor.

"Where does it go ?" I said looking down into the dark hole.

"Don't know I don't think any of us seen this before." Kiyah said looking around as the others nodded their head in agreement.

"Let's get down here and see what we find." I said going down the stairs .

Chardonnay P.O.V

" where we headed now ?" Kahlia asked looking over at me .

"I don't know right now I mean we can't just go walking around like we didn't just break out. People are looking for us believe that." I said trying to think where we could really lay our head for tonight .

"I got a place we could go." Jasmine said leaning up from the backseat .

"Yeah ? Where?" I said looking back ready for her to say some ignorant shit.

"It's my sisters house . I mean she's on a three month business trip or some shit like that I can break in and we crash there ." Jasmine said looking at me and Kahlia with a serious look.

"You serious ?" Kahlia asked turning completely around in her seat.

" As a heart attack ." Jasmine said with her right hand gripping her chest.

"Tell me where to go and if anything should go wrong... Jasmine..." I said looking at her out the corner of my eye.

"Don't worry nothing will go wrong hopefully but if so I got y'all." Jasmine sitting back as she begin to speak directions of our destination .

Nat P.O.V

"Charmaine come look at this." I said as I opened a door in the floor that I discovered when those guys ran in but I kept quiet.

"Where does it go?" Charmaine said looking down into the dark hole .

Nobody knew where the hole had come from . Nobody once remembered it ever being here so that means somebody made.

Before asking any other questions we begin to go down the stairs to see what was inside the hold. The deeper we got the colder it became I didn't like the feeling I was getting from the room. It was a negative vibe just all around I knew something couldn't be good.

"It's freezing in here . Feel the wall to see if you guys can find a switch." Dee said feeling the wall herself .

" Found it ." I said flicking it on.

We all began to look around as the only thing we saw was a deep freezer that sat in the middle of the floor. Everybody just looked at each other nobody knowing to open the freezer or not.

" I call not it if anybody was wondering." Kiyah said looking at everyone else .

"I got it." Bubbles said stepping in front of us and walking towards the freezer.

It was so quiet in the room I swear I could hear everybody's heart beat speed up the closer Bubbles got.

" Omg" was all Bubbles said as she opened the freezer and shut it back looking back at us all.

" What is it ? What's wrong ? " Charmaine said moving closer to where Bubbles stood.

"Charmaine don't open it !" Bubbles yelled out as Charmaine opened the freezer anyway .

" omg no no no !" Charmaine yelled out as she slid down on to the floor crying .

From just that we all kinda figured what was discovered . Walking over to Charmaine I looked into the freezer with our guess being right . There was Shanyya body bruised, cut up, and frozen .

Getting down on the floor Aisha and I begin to comfort Charmaine as the others just stood in shock leaning on the wall. We all knew how much Shannyya meant to Charmaine and now she's gone.

"I want them found now. I swear when I find them they'll suffer . I want them dead and I won't stop until it happens." Charmaine said rocking as she cried harder gripping me and Aisha's hand.

Charmaine wasn't the only one that wanted them dead WE wanted that also .

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