The Truth Hurts

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|| in the M/M how some of y'all expression gonna be after reading this chapter. Lol enjoy||

Charmaine P.O.V.

After the meeting we had I realized I had one more person I needed to get in contact with. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have gotten where I did. I was still upset with him not telling me anything but I also understood that he was taking a huge risk doing it himself .

Pulling up to his house I sat in the car for about five minutes. I seen his light on so I knew that he was wake just from his shadow moving back and forth in the bedroom. Finally growing the courage I got out the car silently praying that he didn't shut the door in my face. I stood there hesitating to knock but finally did it.

After a good two minutes I finally heard heavy footsteps going down the stairs. The closer they got the more nervous I became. Before I knew it he stood there looking at me with a look of sadness mixed with anger.

"What do you want Charmaine?" Langston said as his tall figure towered over me.

"Can we please talk?" I said looking up at him hoping he would let me explain where I was coming from.

   "Yeah come in." He said stepping to the side giving me space to walk in.

   "Wow your house is really nice." I said looking at how well decorated it was.

"So what did you wanna talk about." Langston said ignoring what I had said and wanting to get straight to the point .

"Langston I just wanted to apologize for being so mean to you." I said looking at him sadly.

"Really? You think I'm mad because you were being mean to me? Charmaine I'm not upset about that I'm upset because you always push away people that care about you. Why?" Langston said getting closer in my face.

"I honestly don't know." I said truthfully I just couldn't help it.

"Well until you do figure it out whatever this is that we wanted to have I'm not doing. You can leave now." Langston said as he opened the door keeping his eyes glued to the floor.

"I really am sorry." I said as I kissed his forehead and walked out.

Charday P.O.V.

"Ok so while we sitting here Passion we might as well edit the song." I said looking over at here as we sat bored.

    "Alright let's play it." She said sitting closer to me and letting the music fill the room.

There is no lesson in magic
There were untimely dreams
Where I knew
Woken in a fog don't sweat it
And reckon none of it
Had come from you

Pity seek what we might lose
But in a week might our weakness elude

There was a stagger that shifted my hips
O how swiftly it shook
The dew from my lips
There was a danger that seeped from my skull
How it dripped on us all
But it wasn't your fault

We are stranger than earth

Langston P.O.V.

After I had put Charmaine out for some strange reason I felt bad. It pissed me off that she had pushed me away so much when I only cared about her. I understood fully why she was upset about me not telling her about her godmother but my life was in danger also I had to be careful. If I wasn't she would have never found her even now I had to be careful.

I haven't gone out the house since I've told Charmaine where to look for Shanyya at. I can't sleep because I jump up every five minutes worried that something is about to happen to me. Which is why I'm making a plan to move all the way to Virginia. I can't keep living in fear but I didn't know how to tell Charmaine.

I know she'll be upset but I have to be safe also because I have a mission myself and that's finding my mother.

Paige Summerville P.O.V.

I had been home packing for the last two weeks preparing myself to move. I haven't talked to Charmaine since the last time she came to my office. It pained me not to be able to tell her the truth about anything but the truth is so fucked up it'll make you sick. For so many years I sat in this girl face knowing the biggest lies ever that she's been living in.

I had been standing in the corner thinking about everything when I suddenly got a knock on the door. It's been a while since I have anyone come to the house so it seemed off to get this knock.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said looking at the last person I wanted to see.

"Look don't be a snooty rich bitch remember we came from the same broken down situation." Chardonnay said pushing pass me and walking in with two others with her.

"Yeah but the difference is I did something with my life." I said getting pissed off even more.

I swear Chardonnay and I could never talk without fussing.

"Look I need somewhere to stay for one or two days." Chardonnay said sitting down on the arm of the couch.

"Um no because one I'm moving, two you shouldn't be out of jail, and three Charmaine could possibly come over." I said walking away into the kitchen with her following.

"How has she been? You haven't told her anything have you?" Chardonnay said flaring her nose.

"If you mean me telling her that you're not her mother but her sister than no I haven't told her anything!" I said getting angry thinking about it.

"Calm down because first off you're her sister too so don't act like you're so innocent." She walking closer to me causing me to back up. I knew how dangerous she was since we were kids.

"Chardonnay I don't have to tell her because she'll find out on her own. People thinking she looks like you but she doesn't let's be real who does she look like? NOT YOU ! NOT MOMMA ! BUT WHO !" I said getting in her face this time.

All she did was look away from me knowing that I was telling the truth.

"She's gonna hate me. You don't know how it felt to be pregnant and be told that you've been carrying a dead child. CHARMAINE IS ALL I HAVE! I don't know what I'll do if she knows the truth." Chardonnay said sliding into the floor crying.

It hurt me to see her in pain like this. I know it'll hurt worse if Charmaine finds out the truth. For Charmaine to be told her mother is her sister and that her whole life is a lie. To be told you aren't a Charmaine but a Diamond.

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