All Over Again

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It was like déjà vu with me being asleep and trying to wake up . This time it wasn't hard for me to open my eyes because they felt heavy but because of the sun light.

My eyes finally adjusted to the sun light and I could see I was in a bedroom. I had on different clothes which made me panic even more . I had to figure out who's house I was in before they came back .

I started to look around the average size room looking for anything that could help me . I couldn't come across nothing . It was not one picture in the room , not even some kind of jacket to look into . Getting frustrated I sat down giving up and I decided to wait.

After a good ten minutes of waiting I heard people talking and coming up the stairs. I started to relax a little because I knew exactly who it was . The real questions are, why is she here ? & how is she here ?



We all waited patiently in the airport waiting for our flight to be called . It seemed it was taking forever for that to even happen. I looked around at everyone and each face held a different look . How could I have been so STUPID to even fall for that . My mom would be disappointed to know her own daughter went for a trick like that.

I just wanted to cry Shannyya could be dead right now because of me.

" Charmaine what's wrong?" Passion asked seating beside me with a look of concern on her face.

" I've failed everybody that fast. I'm not good at this at all , I'm not as good as this like my momma is." I said looking down at my hands.

" Who is everybody Charmaine ? Baby girl nobody is good at nothing on the first try." She said lifting my head up." Your mom wasn't even good at this when she first started." She said which made me give her my full attention .

" My mom ? We can't be talking about my momma . She told me she was good at this when she first started." I said which made Diamonds burst out laughing. " What you laughing at?" I asked very confused on what I said funny.

" I'm laughing at what you just said ." Diamonds said in full tears from laughing so hard.

" Charmaine your momma was the scariest out of all of us when she first started. She couldn't even pick up a knife and not shake." Kiyah said putting her two cents in .

" How is that so ? I mean she is the leader of y'all and she can shut King up in a heart beat." I said trying to get more information on the truth .

" After a while Chardonnay became a very cold person. Which made us scared to make you take her spot fearing you'll become the same. But for some reason we feel that wont happen or we hope." Tre'Zure said looking at me with sorrow and fear in her eyes.

After her saying that I didn't even want to talk about it anymore. Did they really think that I would be a heartless person like my mom. I didn't want to hurt anyone I just wanted my family back , I just want them to be safe. I don't wanna turn into a monster in the process.

But if that's what I had to do for my family to be safe so be it. I guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree after all.

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