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Edited- Oct 10, 2019



" Why? Why would you even do that? This man is fucking crazy my god.

"Because I want my Gang back and to be Leader once again, I want my power that I once had my son had stolen from me."

"What? I thought you past your title over to him?"

I'm very confused.

"I never past it over to him, I was voted out. He took my spot away from me. Everyone had voted me out, they said that I didnt have a clear head any longer to run the organization, they had also said my drinking had gotten overboard and didn't want to take the risk of me doing something that could incriminate all of us."

So now it all made sense I said to myself, Now I can understand the hostility that he has towards his son.

He blames him, which he doesn't really understand that it was not all his sons did.

My father had told me before that some men were not cut out to be leaders.

They didnt care for the family only the power that came with the title.

"So now your blaming me that your plans have been spoiled and to add gas to the flame you hated me right off the start because of my last name and who I came from, you were never going to accept me no matter what."

"All of the above." Was his only answer.

I looked over at Danielle then back at Amos, "What does she get out of all this?" I asked wondering.

"How about we let her answer that question." He said as he walked over towards her ripping the cloth out of her mouth.

"Rosie asked you a question, my dear."

Amos was taping his gun on top of her head, I knew he was only doing that to intimidate her so she would cry some more.

He like the power of fear he had over her, I could see it on his face.

She took a deep breath.

"I wanted Ace for myself. I have always loved that man my whole entire life, but it only took one look at you that my hopes and dreams where crushed.  With you, he looked like he did a 3 60 turning his head so fast to get a better look at you. I still remember so clearly in my mind where we were when he first saw you that day. I was walking down the street when I had seen him. He was sitting in his motorcycle texting someone when I had walked up to him. It was really early morning not a lot of people where out and I was even surprised in seeing him there looking so good that I could just eat him all up. When he had looked up to talk to me that's when you had driven by us with your friend Mark. Ace must have seen the look I had given you and asked me who you both were. He had a look in his eye and I knew it wasn't because of Mark. He also asked for your last name so stuiped me I had given it to him. Right away he pulled out his phone and called someone to get some information on you. I was so jealous, You didn't even have to do anything but drive by to get his attention. When you drove by again once again but this time by your self that's when he got another call back stating where you worked and who your two friends where. He had a guy watch you at work and he even went as far to plan that night at the bar for both of you could meet. When I overheard his plan I wanted to stop them right away so that's the reason for you seeing me that night sitting on his lap. I thought it would turn you off right away but it clearly didn't and we had our fight and I left but before I left I took one more look at Ace to see if he would define me but what I saw the same look as before in his eyes when you both where face to face I knew he was a goner. One thing I will say is that if I knew that he  had planned to get you drunk so he could marry you that night I would have never left, I would have killed you before I would of let that ever happen."

I was speechless Wow, just wow.

I did remember seeing her with a guy that morning when I had driven Mark to work but I didnt know that Ace had also seen me as well and for him to call up his men to stock me is kinda psycho and I'll have to talk to him about that and also a few other things as getting me drunk so his plan to work but I'm not that upset about that.

I have the man I love.

"Well girls, the time is up. Say your goodbyes." Amos said pointing his gun at me.

"You can't kiss her she is having your baby." I have no clue why I was defending her but I was only looking out for the innocent baby.

"Don't worry about that, before I shoot her I'll cut the baby out of her stomach and then I'll put a bullet in her head but that's if she hasn't  died from blood loss when I cut her open."

I couldn't waist any more time, I knew he was going to pull that trigger so I did the first thing that came to mind.

I ran up to him and pushed him as I tried to pull the gun out of his hand.

A bullet had been fired but we didnt stop fighting.

I wasn't going to let go of this gun.

He kicked me in the leg but I then stomp on his foot.

My leg really hurt but I knew that once I let go of this gun I was a goner so I did what any woman would do I kneed him really hard in the balls and that's when he himself let go of the gun.

As he staggered back hunched over with his hands on his balls I called out his name.


He looked at me.

"You want to know something that I just realized? I am my father's daughter." I said to him.

By the look on his face, he knew what I meant.

Hearing the click in my ears as I cock the gun back

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Hearing the click in my ears as I cock the gun back.

"This is for my sister."



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Do you remember from the first book when Rosie had seen Ace for the first time?

So Ace fell in love at first sight. Awwww 🥰

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