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Edited-Oct 1,2019

Edited-Oct 1,2019____________________

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The room was set and everything was ready for Rosie's delivery.

Anastasia and two other nurses wherein the operating room as for Rosie she was on the operating table already fast asleep dreaming of her little one that she would be holding very soon in her arms.

As for Ace, he was outside in another room that had a two-way glass that he would be able to look throw to watch the delivery to make sure everything went alright with his baby.

He was a nervous Rec, his hands where sweaty witch he had to keep wiping them off onto his pants.

His eyes were glued onto Rosie's face watching her as she slept.

To him, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Anastasia thought that it would be best for Rosie and the baby to put Rosie asleep for her C-section in case something would go wrong in her delivery

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Anastasia thought that it would be best for Rosie and the baby to put Rosie asleep for her C-section in case something would go wrong in her delivery.

There where a lot of pros and cons going on at this moment.

The Pro's Rosie would wake up to a beautiful baby that she has dreamed of these past few months.


The Con's She could wake up to a baby that would be very weak and underweight, sick or even worse and she did not want her friend to panic on the operating table if any of those scenarios could happen.

Anastasia had told Ace beforehand what the pro and cons could be so he has mentally got himself prepared for any outcome but for Rosie, Anastasia thought it would be best not to inform her.

"Alright, are you all ready?" Anastasia asked the other two nurses

One had nodded her head to say yes and the other had verbally said "Yes."

"Alright then let's get started."


Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock,

It felt like the time was going so slow as Ace looked on into the room.

Beep, beep, beep, beep,

It was the only sounds you could hear everyone else was very quiet as they work fast to get the baby out and safe of Rosie and to make sure nothing would happen to the mother as well.

A few minutes later you could hear the sounds of a baby crying as Anastasia pulled the baby from its mother's stomic then cutting the cord.

A nurse wrapped the baby girl up in a blanket and brought it over to be checked as Anastasia proceeded to continue to work on Rosie.

Ace was amazed as he watched his little girl scream, he thought to himself that she had a good set of lungs on her.

He was happy that she was safe and that he got to have to chance to see her being born, he would have hated to of missed this.

Tears started to go down his cheeks, he was so happy.

Once Rosie had been stitched up and cleaned then checked over, Anastasia had asked the two nurses to send her over to a recovery room to be monitored for the next few hours before she could move into a private room.

One of the nurses asked Anastasia if she wanted to hold the baby so they could leave and do as she asked them to do.

"Yes please give her to me." She said taking the baby from the nurse.

She looked down at the sleeping princess and smiled to her self, she gave the baby a kiss on her forehead.

"Hello, little one I'm your auntie." She said out loud.

She thought that since Rosie was sleeping that she could bring the baby to her brother for him to see.

Ace watched every move that his sister made with his daughter in her arms.

He was making sure that nothing would happen to his baby girl.

When Anastasia stepped into the room that Ace was in she then said, "Would you like to meet her?"

Instead of Ace saying yes he just walked over to her placing his arms out for her to put the baby into them.

He was scared and nervous at the same time as he held onto her.

He was worried that he might drop her so he sat down on a chair slowly so he would not hurt her or make her cry.

looking down at her as her eyes were closed sleeping.

"Shouldn't she be awake?" Ace thought something could be wrong with her.

"She's fine, she is just sleeping. You need to understand that everything she has just gone throw tired her out."

"Oh, " was his only reply.

"She beautiful Ace. I can honestly say that other then Rosie you have finally done something right in your life and that was creating her. I know I was wrong not to tell you but I needed to look out for Rosie and that little one so I had no choice. I hope one day you will be able to forgive me."

Ace looked up at his sister.

"I don't hate you, Yes you were wrong but you saved my little girl and also her mother and have taken really good care of them both. I am in your debt Anastasia whatever you need I will give you no matter what it could be."

After that was said no one said a word back to each other.

They just continued looking down at the Sleeping Angel in his arms............

They just continued looking down at the Sleeping Angel in his arms

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Awwww, I can honestly say I like this chapter out of them all so far for the book what about you?

Thanks for reading. 🙂

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