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Edited- Oct 5, 2019

" Marry me, Rosie."


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We are all on our way back to Ace home, I hadn't given him any answer of yet.

I truly didn't know what to say really I was shocked that he had asked me to marry him.

He understood and was not upset when I had said that I needed to think about it first and that he needed to prove himself to me.

I wasn't one of those kinds of girls who jump to say yes whenever a guy would ask them to marry them just to get married.

This was my life I had to think about and now it's not just me I have to think about but Also my daughter.

As we entered into his home his father was right there to greet us, I could tell he was not happy to see me as he glared at me as I walked into his son's home.

Not saying a word to him I had walked by him just like
Anastasia had, I walked over to her and stood right beside her.

Ace had followed us as he was caring Aaliyah care seat which was to heavy for me to hold.

My body was still sore from my operation, anaesthesia had him for me that it would take about 6 weeks until my body would heal.

Amos had this disgusted look on his face once he saw what was in Ace's hands

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Amos had this disgusted look on his face once he saw what was in Ace's hands.

"You're carrying in her bastard child while your fiance who has YOUR child inside of her is laying in bed sick." He yelled out at loud forever from inside and outside could hear.

"Fuck you old man, this is my home, what the hell are you even doing here?"

"Someone needed to be here to help Danielle out while you have been running around with this bitch as you been missing these few days. Why the fuck do you even have her child in your hands?"

"Because this baby is MINE."

Amos was shocked, to say the least, the surprised look on his face was actually funny to look at.
I wanted to laugh but Anaesthesia had elbowed me to stop me.
I looked at her but she shook her head saying no.

He looked at Aaliyah and then back at his son.

"It can't be, this child can't be yours she is playing you, son."

"No Dad Rosie is not doing any of that, I have none from the beginning that she was pregnant," Anastasia said as she defended me to her father.

"You (he pointed his finger at her) your no daughter of mine who runs off with this bitch and leaves her own family behind. Why didn't you inform us of this?"

Anastasia's face was going red, this was the first time I have ever seen her actually this mad before it kinda scared me.

She walked over to her father and got right into his face," I don't need to tell you anything old man, You might be my father but you have never acted like a father should towards me."

She kept on staring at him and what shocked me was Amos turned his head from her trying to not look into her eyes

What did she mean he never treated her like a daughter? I'll have to ask her about that later.

"Fine if this is your child we will deal with it later but for now son you will need to go and check on your fiance she needs you and your baby needs you as well."

Hearing his father say those words did hurt me inside because he was right.

Danielle does need Ace at this moment, he was all she had for support during this time.

I remember when I was not feeling well, but I still did have my family by my side to help me but as of right now all Danielle has is Ace and I can't be selfish and take that away from her so I must step up and be the better person.

Playing my hand onto Ace's shoulder looking into his eyes " Give your sister Aaliyah and go check on her she needs your support and you need to be there for your child."

"But." He went to say but I interrupted him.

"No, but's Ace she needs you and your baby needs you right now. I'm here and it's not like we are going anywhere now go and be the man that I love and want to trust."

Giving him a smile for reinsurance he broke our eye contact then looked at his father.

"You're not welcome here now get out of my house."
Anger was rolling off of Ace as he stared at his father waiting for him to leave as he asked.

"Just leave dad your not welcome here like Ace has stated and next time you call my best friend a bitch be ready for me to kick your balls in," Anaesthesia said crossing her arms over her chest.

Her father had a sad look on his face like he looked guilty for some odd reason when he looked at his daughter, not saying a word back he just walked out the door not looking back.

The room was quiet until Aaliyah had started to cry, she must be hungry.

"There are baby items in the living room that I had gotten for Aaliyah why don't you two go in there I'm going to go and check on Danielle I will be back soon I promise." Ace said hanging Aaliyah's car seat over to his sister then walking over to me kissing the side of my cheek.

Ace had left and we headed over to the living room.

Just like Ace had said there were diapers, baby blankets, bottles, and some toys and in the corner of the room was a bassinet for her to sleep.

Sitting down onto the couch I lifted my shirt up not caring that someone else was in the room with me, I placed Aaliyah close to my breast, she launched onto my nipple and started to drink.

Aaliyah is a really good baby never really cries just when she is hungry or needs to be changed.

Anastasia sat down beside me watching Aaliyah drink.

I thought this would be the best opportunity to ask her what she meant by her father not really treating her like a daughter.

" Anastasia, " I started to say but she stopped me.

"I know what you're going to ask me, you want to know why my father didn't want to look me in the eyes or talk back to me?"

"You know me so well," I replied.

"Alright I'll tell you because I trust you, but please never tell Ace or anyone else promise me that?"

"I promise." ….............


Next Chapter is going to be about Anastasia POV of her childhood so you might not want to read it because there will be sexual abuse in that chapter so skip it if you want.
It's not a must to read but it will have some reason for the outcome at the end of this book.

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