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Edited-Sept 30,2019


Surprise, shock, happiness and anger, hurt was every emotion that I was feeling at this exact moment.

Surprise - because I couldn't believe that the baby Rosie was caring this whole time in her womb was also my baby as well, this child has been created by both of us our jeans had mixed together from our love to create this special baby.

Shock - Just hearing those words come out of her mouth completely stunned me that I felt the air that was in my body was draining out of me so fast that I found it hard not to collapse onto the floor.

Happiness - The woman I love with all of my heart was having my baby.
This meant that we could be a family and our love for one another would grow once again or more like her love would grow for me as mine had never gone away for her.

Anger- The rage I felt knowing now that she had left me knowing that she was pregnant but also with my child that she didn't have the audacity to inform me of but to hide the crucial information from me and not only her but my own sister defied me as well.

Hurt- I feel like I have missed a lot of milestones with my child, I know that it's not born yet but I got to miss out with her telling me that she was pregnant or going to doctor appointments.
Seeing my baby grow inside of her and each ultrasound that I would of went with her.
I never got the chance to hold her hair back when she got sick from throwing up in the morning or have her wake me up during the middle of the night to go out for one of her cravings. It hurts knowing that I never got the chance to watch her stomach grow or feel my baby first kick.

I missed all of that and now she is about to have our child and I am not sure if my baby will be alright, and this scared me.

All of this was my fault.

I should have never cheated on her when we first got married which result in myself having another baby with someone else.

I shouldn't of let my anger take over me back then when she asked me for a divorce, I should have just stuck to my guns and stayed true to her and not hurt her as I had done.

Just looking at her now outside of my home on my front lawn looking down at her stomach with her hands rubbing her tummy lost in her own thoughts witch with No Doubt was mixed emotions of happy and sad but mostly worry.

Just looking at her now outside of my home on my front lawn looking down at her stomach with her hands rubbing her tummy lost in her own thoughts witch with No Doubt was mixed emotions of happy and sad but mostly worry

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The snow in the background did no Justice to how beautiful she looked standing there before me as we wait to get ready for Anastasia to call me to tell me that she had set up her Clinic for us to come in to deliver.

My heart that has been cold as ice these past months since she has been gone felt like it was now melting since I had brought her back to me.

From this day forward I will make it my mission to win her back and to be the most doting father and hopefully husband to her once again.

I will make her MINE again that I promise........


Hope your enjoying your day.

Thanks for reading 🙂


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