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Edited- Sept 23, 2019

Edited- Sept 23, 2019____________________

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.



Ace- "Well, hello Alexandro. I have been waiting for this phone call from you. I thought you would have called sooner."

Alexandro- "You piece of shit, how dare you to kidnap my daughter, don't you realize that she is pregnant and due next month? Who the fuck do you think you are?" He screamed into the phone.

Ace-  "I'm the man who is in charge of your daughter and grandchild life. I wouldn't be screaming at me if I was you. You have read my demands in the letter so you know what I want and if you don't give me what I want then say good buy to your family it's your call."

Alexandro- "You're a liar, you never loved my daughter you were just using her. I get the feeling that you knew who she really was from the beginning. You just wanted more power like your dick head of a father and you thought that you would have that power if you married my daughter. You were going to wait until the time had come for me to pass the business down to her witch you would have gotten a hold of because you knew she didn't want that kinda life for her self."

Ace- "Wow aren't you a really smart man." (Ace started to laugh)

Alexandro- ( Alexandro breathed into the phone) "Just pick a time and place and I'll give you whatever you want just don't hurt her and her baby."

Ace - "Now that's what I wanted to hear. I want to set up a  meeting at my old Warehouse down at the Docks the one that you were interested in buying. That Warehouse is completely empty so I want you to fill it up with all the drugs and guns and other products that you have stolen from me these past few months."

Alexandro- "Alright I'll get that done but what about my daughter? She needs her medication and your sister has been the one who has been helping her.
It's going to take some time to ship those products to Canada but my daughter needs her medication and your sister's help."

Ace-  Send Anastasia back here to help Rosie with whatever she needs. I'll have her stay with Rosie until the time comes for us to meet. I'll give you one week to fill up my Warehouse with the products once that is done you give me a call and I'll meet you there with your daughter."

Alexandro- "You better not hurt her Ace and you better keep your sick father away from her as well. God knows what the sick fuck would do to her. We all know what he is like to woman."

Ace- "Dont worry Alexandro I would never hurt her or let anyone touch her. You might think I don't care about her and that this was all a plan from the start but I truly do love your daughter."

Alexandro- "Trust me Ace on this one and I hope you do listen to me. Don't let anyone hurt that baby inside of her or you and her well never have a chance again. I'll call you once everything is done."

Call ended


What did he mean by that? Rosie and I wouldn't have a chance if something happens to her baby.

Rosie and I are over she is having a baby with someone else and I am getting married to Danielle and we are having a baby of our own.

I know I hate the fact that I have to marry Danielle but I need to do what is necessary for my child.

But why do I feel like something inside of me is telling me that Rosie has not been truthful with me and why do I feel like I want to get close to this baby she is having.

I need to figure out what's going on before I hand her over back to her father.......


What did you think about their phone call?

Do you think Ace truly does love Rosie or do she want to take over her fathers business?

Please Comment & Vote ✅


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