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"Fuck" Apollo simply stated after the previous events. Everyone looked at him as to why he said that.

"Because you know-" He said to wait for someone to understand "because the child is a curse and Titan births are extremely painful as to those of a goddess" He said looking at Artemis and Hera "You guys should know this your the patrons of childbirth and motherhood." He looked irritated at them "Just get on with the video" He said pissed.

"Rhea" Echo yelled "Rhea" She practically screamed.

"Coming" Rhea yelled Zeus nowhere in sight now as rhea came to the clear where Echo and Dorrise was. "What is it-" Rhea stared at Dorrise quickly getting to work with raping a arm around her making sure she was comfortable. "I have to get Dorrise back home to the underworld their I can get Hecate to help and alert Moris, Thanatos and Hypnos about it can you notify them echo?" Rhea asked her quickly.

"Yes I can but hurry" Echo said quickly before Rhea nodded and teleported away with Dorrise. As Echo stated an Arke message to them.

As soon as Rhea got to Dorrise house she quickly got her to her birthing chair (a chair with arms but no seat) as to get ready for when Hecate came to help with the birth.

"Rhea" a voice calls worryingly as Hecate is shown with Arke and Iris close behind her. "I hope you don't mind but i brought along Arke and Iris as well. Moris is downstairs while Thanatos, and Hypnos are trying to calm him down to make sure he doesn't faint while Hypnos is slowly getting him to sleep so we can deliver the baby in peace." she said quickly crouching down next to Dorrise who was now clearly in pain "So how is she"

"I don't know if she went into labor about 20 minutes ago"

Rhea said quickly getting out of Hecate's way in order for her to get a good understanding at how the baby is coming along.

"The baby is coming quickly we should expect it to come here in the next 2 hours at most-" there was a sudden scream from Dorrise cutting her off. "Never mind i meant to say 20 minutes," she said quickly as she instructed Arke and Iris to hold her up supporting her as they had done for Iris not long ago while Hecate got ready to deliver the baby.

Good thing that the screen isn't actually showing the birth or else most of the male gods (save ares because he's seen more gruesome stuff on the battlefield and he was there for all of his and Aphrodite's children thank you very much) would have thrown up by now as what actually is like to give birth even as most goddesses birth is a lot less painful it still hurts.

"Okay Dorrise" Hecate said "on the count of three i want you to push, okay, can you do this. One, Two, Three PUSH" Hecate said.

Dorrise screamed in pain she swears getting stabbed is less painful than this is. "When I see Moris" she panted still very much in pain. "I'm going to stab him." she said before screaming again Hecate had instructed her to push again and well she pushed.

"Dorrise your doing great just one more push and your ready to go okay one, two, three PUSH" Hecate said doing her best to calm Dorrise down.

Dorrise screamed as she pushed crying from the pain before wails could be heard. The cries got stronger and stronger before is turned to outright screaming and in that moment a child was placed in Dorrise's arms as they lifted and took her to the bed nearby for them to rest.

"Dorrise say hello to your daughter" Rhea whispered comfortably as iris and Arke went to alert the makes downstairs and Hecate clean up.

Tiredly Dorrise looked at the baby in her arms smiling softly at her. Downstairs you could hear yelling before a sound of running was heard and soon all of them where their. Morris looked at Dorrise and their child laying in the bed slowly coming to them and hugging them gently before kissing Dorrise on the lips and their baby girl on the head.

"I love you" he said to Dorrise before turning to their newborn "both of you"

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