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"Hello Dorrise it's good to see you" Rhea said from behind dorrise who sitting down on a couch and was now heavily pregnant her stomach extremely round indicating that Dorrise might 9 months pregnant.

"Hello Rhea" Dorrise said standing up and walking towards her. "What is it that brings you here this fine morning"

"I came to see if you could take me to Zeus" Reach said before coming close to her ear and whispering "And Morris doesn't want you to be by yourself when the baby can come at any moment now."

"Oh him" Dorrise said "he's so worrisome about anything I do now. I don't think there is a day since I told him about the baby that he hasn't asked me if I can get up on my own I'm the bloody Titan of war if I can handle war I can handle a baby." she said to Rhea "especially your devil child Zeus he's a nightmare honestly if he wasn't your son I would have left him with Kronos"

"Oh looks like dorrise knew the truth about you centuries before we did" Hades said to Zeus.

"Yeah and the devil child is Hades" Poseidon rubbed in.

"Shut up" Zeus simply said to his older brothers.

Rhea shook her head at her antics before dorrise took her by the arm and teleported her to the island where Zeus was.

Zeus was seen running towards them his little 2 year old self.

"Mamma!" He said before Rhea picked him up.

"How is my lovely little child" She said as Dorrise went to speak with Echo making sure Zeus couldn't see her.

"Dorrise" Echo said. "It's so good to see you how's the baby."

" Coming soon I just can't wait especially since Morris thinks I'm made of glass now and can't do anything by myself."

"That must be tough now what's the gender." She asked

"Echo I have told you this a million times I can't tell-" Dorrise suddenly stopped placing a hand on her stomach in pain.

"Dorrise are you alright do you need something?" Echo asked worryingly.

"Get Rhea" Dorrise said looking up at her "the baby's coming" 

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