Split Personality

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“-I find out?” said a voice from behind them all chaos quickly disappeared without a word seeing as they all know who spoke and it was the last person they wanted to see right now.

“Oh hi Aphrodite how's it going?” Apollo asked trying to flash away but found that he couldn't and by the looks of all the others they couldn't either.

“It was going good until I couldn't find my ring. Then I remembered the last person that was in my house. And that person was Athena and well then I went to find her and I couldn't then I realized I haven't seen any of you guys also so I thought they must be in the throne room and here you guys are.” Aphrodite said with a forced smile.

“Would someone please explain to me why you have my ring and are looking through my fucking memories” She said looking altogether pissed. But the gods knew that she was really seething in anger as she has never ever said a cuss word before.

“Aphrodite as the Lord of the sky and of the gods I command you to let me go this instant.” Zeus yelled which sadly for him did not turn out well.

Aphrodite stared at him a hard fixed stare before, before the gods eyes her form started to change and next thing they knew she was Aleka.

“No Zeus as primiolo of the sky YOUR MASTER I tell you to get down and bow.” Aleka said with a fiery glare since although it was nighttime and her skin started out like the night sky but the angrier she became the more her hot temper started to show through.

“You can't make me” Zeus said staring back at her but coward at the glare that was next sent. And the most terrifying thing any god ever saw happens next. Aleka grew an evil smirk and held out her hand she chanted in a unknown language and Zeus was standing up and bowing to her.

“That's nice isn't it having the king of the gods know his place. Isn't it Poseidon.” Aleka said addressing the Lord of the Seas her more sunny and bright personality started to show through before getting interrupted by flashing back into Aphrodite.

“Oh my what happened what did Aleka and Dorrise do?” Aphrodite said looking at the scared looking gods.

“Um aph please don't kill me but what was that.” Ares said seriously scare of the woman he loved but he wasn't going to say that and at least he could move from his throne again.

“Athena you picked the worst week to acknowledge my other sides.” Aphrodite side holding her head as if she was having a giant headache

“What did you mean” Athena asked hoping she wouldn't get incinerated

“Today is the day I was made from the sea so of course my other sides like to show themselves so I usually hide away but when Dorrise noticed that her wedding ring from her husband Moris was gone she got angry then Aleka notice that her own husband Chaos was not were he was supposed to be they did really angry and you know what happened next.”

“Wait so at first is was Dorrise then it was Aleka and now it's Aphrodite.” Apollo asked when Aphrodite nodded (which looked as if hurt her more than it could be physically possible)  Apollo then asked “um is there anyone that we should know not to mess with one of your sides? Cuz you know I don't want to get blasted into tartarus.” (AN is that how you spell it I have no idea)

“Well Aleka hates Zeus because he acts like he own the sky where it belongs to her but she's fine with everyone else and apparently really likes Apollo and Artemis since they bask in the day and night respectively.”

“Dorrise also hates Zeus but is fine with everyone else. Then there's me and I rather save my breath because they are all out war in my head.” Aphrodite sister before her form flickered to Dorrise the Aleka before turning back to Aphrodite all while she was growing in pain.

“I got to go and keep on looking at my memories and see my story I give you permission.” Aphrodite said before momentarily during into Dorrise and saying “Athena don't think that we're done you still from me” Before Aphrodite was able to regain control and flask then all away.”

Is she gone? Chaos ask scared if his wife was still there

“Your wife is Aleka one of the youngest primiolo and your scared of her?” Artemis asked

Yes if I don't act nice she will not pay attention time me for a whole fucking month I can't have that.

“Anyway” Zeus replies clearly still shaken up at what just happened with Aleka “Shall we keep on watching?”

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