Meeting the Group

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“Dorrise!” someone yelled before flinging herself to dorrise. She looked to be around 15 but was most likely older considering how gods age. She has pale skin and black hair her eyes were completely black and when you looked inside there was a fire burning bright in them.

“Hecate! It’s good to see you it has been so long” Dorrise replied

“I saw you yesterday” Hecate said laughing


”Wait why is Hecate there?” Hermes asked.

“Because she is a Titan she was just on the gods side in the first Titan war.” Ares answered before Athena could tell the story from when Hecate was born to now. Though she is surprised that are Ares knew that.

“Oh shut up I'm not an idiot you know” Ares said fiddling with one of his knives given to him by Aphrodite once he notice the shocked look Athena was giving him.

Anyway…  Chaos said.

Well anyway I just wanted to tell you that-” Hecate started before she was cut off.

“Reese!” Was yelled before Dorrise was engulfed in another hug. This time by a male with curly ash blonde hair and a pale face is eyes were red like the Greek poppy and his face was handsome and chiseled. This male also had wings colors of red orange and yellow. Which is what gave it away.

“Hypnos as well? Athena make a list if all the gods that knew Dorrise but didn't tell us anything.” Zeus proclaimed. Athena happily obliging got out a scroll and quickly wrote down Hecate and Hypnos.

“Hypnos!” Dorrise yelled happily before glaring at him. “I told you not to call me that”

“And I decided to ignore you. I mean come on only Moris can give you a nickname no fair” Hypnos replied pretending to act like a kid that didn't get what he wanted… so like Zeus and Dionysus.

“Calm down brother it not her fault that she's betrothed to him.” said another man walking up to them. He had Ebony hair to his shoulders and skin the color of teak wood (AN i searched up a picture of the wood it means he isn't pale but is darker skinned in the books) also his eyes were a honey gold but other than that he looked exactly like his brother the same sharp cheekbone and chiseled chin. His wings the colored of blue, black, and purple shone in the sunlight. The both looked around 18.

“Thanatos!” Dorrise yelled before hugging him as well.

Athena added him to the list.

“Thanatos! I haven't seen him in the sun for something other than death in a thousand years!”

Hades yelled surprised.

“Hey Dorrise it's good to see you as well.” He replied laughing.

“So Dorrise where were you that caused you to be late?” Hecate asked with a smirk.

“For your information I was getting tested by Iapetus.”

“Sure you where” Hypnos joined in. “And I was definitely not sleeping last night.”

“You pervs I will not hesitate to murder you” Dorrise yelled smacking him upside the head. All the while Thanatos was smiling like a maniac.

“This is the most fun I've had in a while and I've barely done anything!’ he said laughing.

“Anyway” Dorrise said getting down to business. “When are Iris and Arke meeting up with us. (AN there twins in greek mythology like Hypnos and Thanatos.)

Athena quickly wrote down Iris before stopping.  “Do I still have to write down Arke seeing as we sent her to tartarus?” She asked

“I don't thinks so do you brother” Poseidon said before looking at Zeus.

“No I don't think she counts.” Zeus said and stared at Hades who responded to him with a shake of his head.

“They said around noon so they should have been here by now.” Hypnos replies rubbing the spot were Dorrise hit him. “Damn you have a good arm” He mumbled  

“No shit. I need it to be the Titan of war you son of a bitch” Dorrise repiled. “No offence Nyx”

Every god had their mouths open.

What's wrong? Chaos asked highly amused.

“Sh- sh- she cursed Aphrodite never curses” Hera stated confused.

Really? Dorrise and Aleka curse all the time and when I here Aphrodite talk I always hear  her say at least one curse word.

“Well none of us had heard her curse before earlier today and that was Dorrise.” Hermes said.

There Hermes is where you lie isn't that right Ares?

“I mean yeah Aph curses a hell lot just usually not in public.” Ares said after everyone started staring at him. This was happening a lot recently “Can we just keep on watching you pieces of shit?” He relied trying to mask his confusion with anger.

Weirdly everyone followed him

“Hey stop fucking cussing!” Someone yelled out from behind them. She had toned olive-colored skin, long black silky hair tied in a bun on her head, and warm chocolate brown eyes. Her wings were butterfly shaped and golden unlike Hypnos and Thanatos’ feather ones. She had a flowy white Chilton that at the bottom flashed to different colors.

“Iris” Athena said surprised at how the hippie goddess used to look like.

“Iris” Dorrise yelled quickly hugging her.

Next to Iris was a girl that looked near identical to her except that she had black wings instead and her Chilton was grey with more diluted colors at the bottom.

“Is that?” Hermes asked

Arke twin of Iris goddess of the second rainbow and messenger of the Titans new forever enslaved in tartarus. He relied dryly

“I never imagined she would look like that I always imagined her as a horribly ugly goddess like misery though she looked exactly like Iris” Hermes repine gaining the kids from the others

There is a lot you don't know because Zeus punished so many for believing in there leader plus you've never seen her before today.

They were silent as they watched the screenplay

“Arke” Dorrise yelled hugging her. “Looked like someone finally out out of there cave.” She said smirking at her.

“Looked who finally got off of Moris’s dick” Arke replied smartly emitting a snort from Iris, a chuckle from Thanatos and Hypnos, and a chough from Hecate trying to hide her laughter while Dorrise turned bright red.

So quick that the gods only saw a blur Dorrise grabbed Arke hand turned her to face away from her while she held her in a choke grip.

“Do you want to test me?” Dorrise wipered dangerously. As arke shook her head trying desperately to breath. “Didn't think so.” She said letting go watch as Arke gasped for precious air.

Arke looked up and…

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