Party III Congratulations

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"Wait so let me get this straight," Athena said holding her hand up. "Aphrodite murdered someone because Kronos said so."


"Okay continue"

Dorrise lead Moris through the crowd they danced for a while but soon he had to excuse himself having some matters to attend to. Dorrise was mingling in the crowd. Quickly chatting with 3 to 4 titans at a time before moving on to the next group.

"Dorrise!" Said a voice behind her. As Dorrise turned around they saw Arke in front of Iris and what looked like to be Zephyros hand in hand walking while making goo goo eyes at each other.

"Congratulations on the island Dorrise" Zephyros said finally looking away from Iris.

"Thank you Zephyros, and congratulations to you for becoming the god of the west wind. When will the wedding be by the way?" She asked them.

"Next week" Arke said butting in. "They've been waiting for it for so long that I'm surprised that they're not having it sooner." she said ignoring Iris' glare.

"Anyway..." Iris said rolling her eyes. "We should better get going" She said pulling both Zephyros and Arke away just as Altas comes over.

"Would you like a dance milady?" he asked teasingly bowing and holding her hand out for her to take.

"It would be honor my good sir." She said teasing him back before taking his arm.

Altas guides her through the crowd before reaching the middle of the dance floor.

"Congratulations on the island" He said as he spun her around.

"Thank you Altas."

"So how are you and little Mory doing" He asked.

"First off he doesn't like being called Mory and secondly were fine, thanks for asking." She said when she stopped spinning.

All of a sudden all the candles went out and Dorrise couldn't see anything before the lights turned back on and then mysteriously turned back on.

"Happy birthday Dorrise!" Everybody yelled.

"Happy birthday Arete Dorrise, war of the sea, Titan of war" Kronos said handing over a long black Stygian iron sword encrusted with rubies and diamonds and plated with gold at the hand with red leather grip.

She bowed as she was handed the sword but that's not were thing ended.

"Dorrise catch!" Moris said throwing her a bright red apple before Dorrise caught it.

"Moris you do remember what this means right?" She asked smiling a bit unsure.

"Of course, so... Will you marry me?" He asked her. 

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