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The screen quickly went down as the gods noticed it should be time to go to bed as should slow Artemis and Apollo to do their thing before they end up late doing it. 

Ares was walking down the road to his house. He knew he could always just simply teleport but he needed to think and this was better than pacing back and forth in his room. All of these things have happened to Aphrodite but he's never heard of it. Why aren't they in legends or stories? If they were so popular why is there no battle archives? The titans had a written language, so why didn't they use it? 

Athena was looking through every single document that has ever existed. She knew that she could obliterate the past 2,000 year easily as they had no clue about them. Though before that it gets harder. First she went by the oldest. Written in a language long dead she had gotten Hecate to try to teach her once but the language was protected by magic so only titans and their children could read it. She tried using the ring as a reference for how to spot the names but no name stood out. Other than Kronos of course. Athena huffed before carefully putting the scroll back and getting another one from the godly library dedicated to Athena. 

Apollo was confused. Aphrodite was much more than meets the eye. Why couldn't he see anything about it? How is it he was born on her island but yet not know it was her island? He shook his head. It was not the time to be thinking about these things. He has a job to do. 

Artemis was shocked. For years she thought that Aphrodite was simply too lazy or scared of her appearance getting ruined to get close to one of the Titans in battle. Actually it was the opposite. Aphrodite could not be harmed by them so they never had any proof of her even fighting. She wondered what else she could learn of Aphrodite. 

Hermes' mind was racing. And for the god of speed that's saying a lot. He never could really understand Aphrodite of course they had a son together with a lesser known god but still even then he could never get close to her. She can spread warmth to the coldest hearts but when you try to find her out, her own warmth she locks it in. Away from everyone. And as the god of thieves this made him frustrated. He never could quite get her close to him. Now he wonders if Dorrise has something to do with it. 

Zeus was pacing. Back and forth he went. If Aphrodite could beat Kronos why didn't she. If she could ignore Ghea, why didn't she tell them. Why didn't she do all of these things so that the demigods didn't have to and end up getting more power over the gods? Gods know Percy Jackson has enough power already. 

Poseidon felt like he just got hit by a car. For years he had wondered which Titan was X for as long. And it turned out that X has been in the same room as him for years during council meetings and stuff like that. A part of his past felt complete now but he got so many more things that need explaining and he can only hope that Aphrodite has them. 

Hades just sighed. There are a lot of places that he has kept hidden in the underworld and her house was one of them. He never knew that that house had an origin. Hypnos,  Hecate, and Thanatos usually stay there if they aren't busy elsewhere but they have never seemed to go to the top floor. Maybe Dorrise is the reason why. 

Dionysos could only hear white noise. He took another sip of his glass of wine at home as he sat on his couch. Everything that he learned today was too much for him to take in. Honestly he also needed another reason to drink and this was the best cover up he could think of. Aw yes. The sweet taste of old grapes. 

Hera was fumbling. How could this Titainess be so loyal to her husband then turn out like this? A goddess of love that is disloyal to her husband and is constantly getting pregnant. Honestly such a waste of something great. 

Demeter needed more cereal. And she says to herself that if Dorrise had more cereal then none of this would have happened. Though even she knew that she was just lying to herself. Dorrise had an amazing life that was apparently ripped away from her that made her like the Aphrodite we all know today. 

Hestia was shocked. Dorrise had a baby. Dorrise had a baby girl that they have no idea what happened to her. They have know idea who she is. Or if she even remembers the period of her life where Aphrodite was once her mother. For all they know her daughter could be one of the gods up here. A human they have used. Or a monster in Tartures.  Gods she hopes that her daughter is at least happy where she is. And that maybe waiting for her mother to come home. Gods she hoped she was alright. 

Author's note:
Why did I update this book? Because I'm petty.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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