Seeking the Future

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"Hello love how was hanging out with the girls?" Morris asked when he saw Dorrise enter their home.

"It was good love I just really tired right now I'm going to go lay down."

"Alright love take care" Morris said kissing her. "I have to go speak to "General" Atlas." He said disappearing.

Dorrise turned toward the staircase to go up them but then she looked around before making a hand gesture that opens up a staircase downward.

"How many of those does she currently have in her home on Olympus?" Hera questioned.

I don't know 5 to 10? Chaos replied I forget sometimes she has one in her bedroom is all I know for sure.

She reached the bottom of the staircase coming in from the underworld.

"What is she doing their I wonder?" Hades said to himself.

"Hello Chronos" she replied into the abyss.

"Kronos?" Hermes asked

"I think she meant Chronos with a C H as in the primordial god not our grandfather" Area replied not even looking up from his knife.

"Hello Dorrise." he replied as he formed a shape. His skin was golden with copper geared eyes and silver colored hair. He had a clock where his heart should be meaning if he was to die all time would stop and everything would cease to exist. Fairly handsome man if Apollo had anything to say about it.

"I wasn't expecting you back so soon to drink my blood" He said, holding out a cup.

"I am recently married Chronos you know this." she replied her face without any hint of emotion.

"You and I both know the truth Dorrise, the secret your keeping"

"I have no idea what your talking about Chronos now will you let me drink or what?" she asked a scolding look on her face.

"You know that rules right?" He asked holding the cup out to her. "You can't change the future without sacrificing some of yours."

"I know" she said taking a drink out of her cup. The visions changed and soon she say it. Blurring together quickly time passes. As she looked around everyone saw what she did. Zeus being shown to Kronos but this time it was really him. Rhea killed with grief starting a war. Her dead body in pieces. Dorrise pregnant. A baby in her arms as she runs away. Her with a child that looked oddly familiar. The east and west where split in a clean line fire was everywhere. Tsunamis in the South storms in the North the whole world was in chaos.

Dorrise suddenly gasped looking around as if she had just been told it was her final one. She looked up at Chronos.

"Going to change the future I can't have that happen" She said determined.

"I thought so" Chronos said "But what are you willing to sacrifice"

"Well see" She said"now take me where I need to be."

"if you so wish" He said waving his hand and Dorrise appearing in front of Gaea.

"What do you want" Gaea asked. "Have you come to take Zeus to Kronos girl?"

"No dirt I've come to help hide him."

"What can you do child."

"I am not your daughter Gaea" Dorrise snared.

"No you're much too weak."

"Where is Rhea."

"She's about to give birth by herself."

"Not anymore."

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