Party I: Duel

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The screen showed a party with all the Titans there and they were all seemed to be having a good time. 

But one person seemed to be able to be spotted easily. That person of course was Dorrise. 

Her hair was now cascading in ringlets down her back. Her hair no longer in the traditional Greek updo. Her eyes held a glint of mischief. She was talking to someone. Someone with white hair and eyes while there skin was pitched black. Selene. 

“Athena add her and Helios while we're at it to the list.” Zeus said tiredly. Like seriously how did all these people forget about Dorrise or fail to mention her if she was this popular. 

Artemis looked a Selene with sadness the once quiet but happy Titan no longer lived having long since faded over time but for a moment she allowed herself to forget 

“All I'm saying is that you have all this stuff and the sky. And you got an island!” Selene said to Dorrise “Like be reasonable, you cannot control that many things and you cannot control me.” She said rolling her eyes. 

“Is that a challenge?” Dorrise said mischief now clearly evident in her eyes.

“You better be carefully sister Dorrise is more powerful than she appears” A voice said behind them his hair and eyes we're practically gold while his skin was a pale white like clouds. Helios the old sun god-titan. It was now apollos turn to sigh sadly. 

"Yeah unless you haven't noticed Dorrise can beat anyone in a duel even Kronos” A voice said from behind Dorisse slinging his arm around her shoulders. His black eyes and hair along with his copper skin and the way he slightly blushed when he touched Dorrise told the gods that he was indeed Moris. A 17 year old Moris that is and he was slowly becoming even more handsome than Zeus in his prime. 

“Oh really, I'd like to see you try” Selene said challenging Dorisse “Come on, give me your worst” 

“Is that a challenge” Dorrise asked raising an eyebrow. 

“Only if you accepted” Selene said changing into her silver armor. Dorisse doing the same just with a blood red and black one. 

“I accept”. Dorisse was quickly pulled away by Morris

“Are you sure Dorisse? I mean in the only time you can be harmed by someone is if you challenge or accept a duel” He said worried his eyebrows scrunched up and had a puppy dog eyes look. 

“Don't worry I'll be fine” She replied and went off to start the duel but not before kissing his cheek which resulted in a very red faced Morris. 

Yesterday Ares would've been upset but with what Aphrodite told him last night he was able to keep his anger down. 

Dorisse and Selene were in fighting positions getting ready to charge. Everyone was now around them rooting for different sides. 

“DORISSE DORISSE DORISSE” one side chanted. 

“SELENE SELENE SELENE” The other one said. 

Kronos was in the middle no doubt being the king and all. He was on a throne and proclaimed loudly. “LET THE BEST TITAN WIN” Which mad when crowd cheer even more. 

They started fighting and while Selene was using all her might to try to get an upper hand Dorrise was standing there easily blocking her blows while looking a bit board. Finally Dorisse was getting tired of not doing anything and so quickly that it was near impossible to see she slashed her sword cleanly cutting into her skin. 

“I win” Dorrise said as Selene looked shocked to see that she lost. 

“B-but, BUT HOW” Selene yelled distraught. 

Dorrise simply smirked and change out of her armor and walk to Moris. 

“I'm not telling but let me just tell you. Rookie mistake to think you could beat me.” 

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