Hiding Zeus

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"Rhea I'm here" Dorrise said sitting by her as Rhea held her baby.

"Dorrise you shouldn't be here Kronos is expecting to see him soon I have to show him." Rhea quickly replied worried.

"Rhea what's his name?" Dorrise asked


"Give me Zeus."

"No I can't if he finds out I hid the baby he will throw me in tartarus and I can't let him do that to you as well."

"Rhea you have you trust me I have a plan."

"Well what is it."

"Gaea get over here" Dorrise yelled out.

Gaea came by walking to her mumbling about his she shouldn't be telling her what to do.

"What do you want" Gaea asked a bite in her voice.

"I need you to make a rock that looks like a baby." Dorrise replied.

"Wait, I thought it was Gaea that came up with the plan to hide Zeus" Athena said starting to mumble quite a bit now the gods just ignored her it was a normal routine.

"Now give me Zeus" Dorrise said holding her arms out for the bundle in Rhea arms. Rhea gave it to her hesitantly. As soon as Dorrise got Zeus she held him in the most gentle manner someone ever could.

"So here the plan" Dorrise said as she when on to explain to them how The a will trick Kronos into eating the rock baby as Dorrise hides Zeus away in a place Kronos cannot get to.

"His can I trust you Dorrise" Rhea asked. "I know your my sister but how can I know that you won't just give Zeus time Kronos."

"I swear on the river of Styx that I'll be sent to Tartarus if I do." Dorrise said. "Now I have to leave. Zeus is going to sleep soon and you know how babies are when they wake up." Dorrise said standing up before vanishing somewhere.

She went to a clearing and started running Zeus tucked in her arms as she ran toward a cave.

"Echo I need your help" Dorrise said running up to someone in a cave.

"Echo?" Apollo asked you mean that nymph we cursed years ago.

"That's the one" Hades said as Athena wrote down her name.

"What's wrong sister?" Echo asked.

"I need you to take care of him" Dorrise said handing Zeus off to her.

"Wait what."

"Look Kronos is looking for him and the best thing we can do for everyone is to hide him away now quickly" Dorrise said gathering up everyone. In Crete. Zeus started waking up.

"Everyone start singing" Dorrise yelled

Cretan warriors sang and clashed their swords so that no one could hear Zeus crying.

"Come on little one" Dorrise said rocking the baby back and forth. Once he quieted down Echo went up to Dorrise.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Look Echo I saw something and doing this may be our only hope that the world doesn't get destroyed." Dorrise

said making a cradle to put Zeus in.

"There you go now now be good, ah!" Dorrise yelled Zeus had gotten her hand and zapped her with lightning.

"Yep just an angle like his father. Though he does look like him." Echo said looking at Zeus

"Echo will you take care of him me and Rhea will come along a couple times each week he just can't be near Kronos"

"I promise Dorrise I swear on Styx." Echo said "but how will we feed him?"

"Gaea will have that covered I think now I have to leave I have been gone for far to long and Morris will worry."

"Goodbye Dorrise"

"Goodbye Echo, bye devil child" Dorrise said waving.

"Did she just call me devil child?" Zeus asked.

Everyone in the throne room was laughing.

"Yep, she did" Poseidon said salty tears in his eyes. 

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