Lily attacks her best friend Katie.

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Lily’s P-O-V

**I don’t know how this happened, how I killed Katie and her mom? I have not even told anyone about Katie's mother yet. I am losing control over myself. I can’t even die! Where to go and what to do? I am tired fighting my inner voices.

The good voice says; do not attack the innocent, you are not obeying God’s decision. Try to eat something or rather die hungry in the name of Jesus. And the bad voice says; have a little, have some more. This is your nature now and you can’t die hungry. Everyone has to die one day, why not now?

Who do I listen to? I am accepting the two voices, and ending on the bad one. I am falling very weak.

 I promised Sarah, I won’t hurt her ever and I keep on giving her pains. How much will she face now? Why do both of us have to face problems in life? Especially, Sarah! I want to go far away from her, so she can stay happily with Luis, who will take good care of her, but she can’t even stay without me. I am stuck in between two worlds. Why did it have to be me? I am a monster! And, what is the other good voice coming inside me? Someone has to kill me and I would love to die in the hands of my sister. I might get a chance to go to heaven as she is a strong believer and a pious person.**

I slapped Lily hard on her face, in rage. “How can you do this huh? What are we going to tell Katie’s family and everyone?” I sat on the ground in tenseness. Fear was taking over me.  Luis came and sat on his knees near me. “We need to call the police!” He demanded.

“No Luis, we can’t let them take Lily! How can you even think so?” I replied him heatedly.

“They won’t know Lily killed her, she has a bite on her neck so they will think she was attacked by some animal, Sarah. We will be safe, where will we hide the body and for how long?”

Luis stood up and went to calm Lily. “Stop crying baby, it will be all fine. Trust me. Do you think it’s a good idea to call the police?”

Lily shouted “Do whatever you want", and ran inside the house.

Luis called the police, and they arrived here quickly.

The police started to examine the body and looked for some evidence that caused her death. Then they started asking us questions. Luis answered “We noticed some marks on her neck, and thought she might have been attacked by an animal.”

The police then checked the mark on her neck and said "The same happened to one other lady here, a few minutes back and we haven't yet identified the body, because of too many scratches on her face."

I was shocked by their remark and was about to ask them but got disrupted by a phone call from Lily’s principal. I answered it and started talking to her, where I was standing.

“No, Lily is not doing well, she is at home. She didn’t bunk the classes with Katie. Katie is found dead.” I ended the call.

A police officer came closer to me and asked me “So where is your sister? You didn’t tell us about her, and that she is home today. We want to see her.”

I gulped hard realizing the stupidest mistake I have done. I quickly replied “I told you she is not well right? She is sleeping. I don’t want disturb her or tell her about Katie right now. She is unaware of this.”

Without a word, the policemen broke in my house in search of Lily, saying “Madam, this is a part of our investigation and that they are best friends. One is sick and other died?”

I didn’t have any answer to give them.

 Luis came running towards me and spoke “I think we are in trouble now, just act everything is fine while directing them to Lily room.” I nodded.

We followed the policemen, and directed them to Lily’s room. The police knocked on Lily’s bedroom door. She opened it and started the drama of her being unwell.

. When the police officer told her about Katie, she started sobbing and moaning. She did a good act, I can say.

 The police left, after questioning Lily. They took Katie’s body with them for postmortem.

“They were hell confused about what happened around here. Luckily, they didn’t ask us more questions.” Luis uttered and sighed.

“Your principal called us that why you didn’t come to school today, she thought you and Katie bunked your classes and you have a chemistry test.” I told Lily.

Lily opened her mouth in terror “I have a chemistry test! I can’t miss it. This will affect my final results.  I need to go to school. Good, you told the principal I am not well so it won’t be a problem now. I will say that, I am here for the test.”

I grabbed Lily’s arm as she was about to walk away, “You are not going anywhere, get that?”

“I won’t go to school anymore you mean?” Lily asked curiously.

“Not for today! You have to go to Katie’s home and visit her parents!” I demanded.

Luis spoke in between, “Sarah is right, you should not go to school today, and I am wondering you are not even feeling guilty about this incident.” And continued speaking,

 “Anyways, I need to go home right now, to get changed and bring more clothes as I will be staying here for a while. I have to inform dad about this and also, I will be joining back the clinic tomorrow.”

“Yeah Luis, you can go. We will be fine here, take your time and don’t worry about us. You can take my car if you want.” I said, giving him a smile.

Luis chuckled “I forgot that we have Marc’s car with us and that we have to take my car from the jungle. “

After seeing Luis drive away, I turned back to have some words with Lily. She wasn’t behind me!

“Lily where are you?” I started calling out for her in distress. I sat down under a tree outside my house in disappointment, I was tired too. “I am sick of this disobedient girl.” I mumbled, while closing my eyes.

Just in time, I started hearing some noise from above my head, of the tree leaves moving. When, I looked up to see, it was Lily, swinging like a bat above me. Her head was downwards and her feet were gripping the branches. I was horrified.

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