Second day at the clinic.

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Today I wasn't in mood of making anything special for breakfast, I will just have some cereal with orange juice.

When I was done with the cereal, Lily came running to the kitchen.

"Hey, Slow!" I demanded.

"I thought to have breakfast with you today sissy, but i can see your done. I tried to hurry really." She started blabbering, making her best puppy dog face.

I responded "Honey, its fine. I still have to empty this glass of juice in my tummy."

Lily gave out a sigh in relief and started making her own bowl of cereal. I filled a glass of orange juice for her.

"I will try to make it early for dinner okay, so what will you prepare for lunch? I asked her.

She replied "You better be early sis, and for lunch I will make some sandwiches!"

My face dropped at the thought of Lily making her own lunch after coming from school tired; sometimes she orders food from outside and eats out with her friends.

What to do? I need to be at the clinic, from 9:30am to 8:00pm. This is how I earn for both of us to survive and I'm being paid 15$ per hour, which is good enough for me, I thought.

Lily understood what I was thinking. Why my mood suddenly changed.  Lily held my up chin, for me to look up at her. She quickly spoke,

"Today what I am, is because of you. I have no tension in life and I'm enjoying every minute of it. After completing my studies, I will start earning too and we both will have a tension free life. No, smile and go, Luis is waiting for you." and she chuckled.

 "Shut up!" I uttered, while grinning at her. I had such a lovely sister.

I pulled her into tight a hug. "Love you baby doll. You cheer me up easily."  

After gulping down my orange juice, I read the time in my wrist watch. I didn't want to be late today. 

I got up fast and hurried to wear my sandals and grab my keys.

"Lily, I need to rush. Lock the doors well when you leave for school and take care." I spoke.

Lily nodded, and shouted a good-bye, while chewing her cereals.

When I entered the clinic, I started seraching for Luis, and checked if he was anywhere around, but he was no where to be seen. My face dropped.

Just then, the receptionist was passing by, while chewing her pen's end, and she stopped right in front. She looked at me from top to bottom and spoke "Luis is in his cabin Miss!"

I rolled my eyes at her, "Whatever Maria! I wasn't looking for him, I was looking for you! And, the rules of the clinic say, we should greet first when we meet. So Good morning, and do me a favour please, bring the cataract patient's file in my cabin." 

She smiled and replied "Good morning Miss! Sure,  I will drop the file in your cabin."

Maria, always teased me with Luis. She had some doubts that, we are together as a couple.

Then, I asked her, "Any plans done for the staff meet up?"

Maria replied "Not yet madam, maybe Mr. Blake will discuss with you first."

I nodded and walked to my cabin, which was next to the cabin of Luis.

 I peeped in his cabin to check up, if he is there or not. Luis was sitting on his desk looking  vey frustrated.

I entered his cabin instead of going to minesm "Good morning Lu!" I greeted.

He looked up to me, and responded "Good morning Sar!"

His frown changed into a smile, when he saw me.

I asked him "Is everything alright? You look tensed."

He replied "Ah nothing much, just the slit lamp is not working anymore, it has only been a month since we have bought it."

I nodded making a so-true face.

He continued speaking, "I’m also thinking about the staff meet up; we have a lot of patients today. How will we manage everything?" He sighed rubbing his forehead.

After some time of silence I spoke "I got an idea! Can't we all go for dinner after the working hours, and discuss there?"

Luis denied "No, its our duty to inform the staff earlier if we planned for dinner. It won’t work. I was thinking that we order some junk food from outside like pizzas, burgers and hot dogs. We can eat in our staff room. By that, we can save our time and be present at the clinic."

Sounds great!" I agreed at his point.

Later, we heard a knock at the door. Maria was standing there with some mugs of coffee. "Coffee?" she offered.

We both nodded at the same time. Maria came in and kept the coffee mugs on desk.

"Thank you Maria" I said, and Luis spoke after me "Thank you from me too!"

Maria smiled at us, and when she was about to walk out the door, I stopped her.

Oh! Maria wait! We forgot to inform you, we are having the staff meeting in the staff room, for lunch hours. Can you please inform other staffs too?" I pleaded. "

"Sure, I’ll do it ma'm!" She replied, and left the cabin.

"Now, as we are done with the plans, let's start working. Give me the Cataract patient's file Sarah please."

"Yeah sure! Actually, I asked Maria to hand them to me. I guess, she forgot. Let me get them."

I walked to where Maria sits. Maria was busy talking on the phone with someone, "Maria, the files please?"

 "Geez! Sorry, Ma'm they are right here. I am so sorry, it got out of my mind." She gave me the files quickly, and ended the call.

I started scanning the files, and I asked Maria to call patient number eleven to the cabin.

She nodded and walked to the patient's waiting room. I could hear call the name of Mr. Duncan. I walked back to the cabin with the patient's file in my hand.

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