Sarah got a special visitor.

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Lily got out of the bed tight lipped; I could see the color of her face draining.

 "Okay okay.. I’ll stop laughing. I’m going to start preparing lunch for us. Good thing, we will have it together today! And I’m planning on making something special for you Lily."

Lily grinned and clapped her hands in excitement as usual.

I continued speaking by lowering my gaze, “I am sorry for behaving bad today. I’m only trying to protect you. You know how much you mean to me."

Without a word Lily walked over to my closet, she opened it to search for something and finally came back with my wallet; she opened it and pointed to mom and dad in the picture, she said "After them, you only have the rights on me."

We both hugged each other tight.

"Okay enough of the crying, you can go clean up your bedroom and I’ll go make lunch." I demanded.

While going to the kitchen, I was thinking what to make and finally decided, Lily's favourite; cheese-veggie wraps and apple pie with vanilla ice cream.

*Ding- Dong* the door bell rang.

"Who is it now?!" I mumbled.

I heard Lily rushing to open the door, and then I heard a familiar voice talking to Lily. I walked out of the kitchen to see.

"Luis?!" I grinned.

Luis turned to face me; he had a beautiful bouquet of red and pink roses in his hands. "For you…" Luis gave me the bouquet with his billion dollar smile.

Lily started coughing on purpose. Luis raised an eyebrow at her. Lily stated "I’m not well too!"

I glared at Lily darkly.

 She started chuckling putting a hand over her mouth.

 "Come have a sit Luis." I offered.

Luis followed me to the rest room and sat on the coach. Looking all around. "Beautifully managed." He commented.

Lily chirped "Thank you!"

Lily seems to be more excited than me, I thought while rolling my eyes at her.

 I asked Luis if wanted some coffee. Luis refused. I looked at him in shock, "you refused for coffee?"

Luis responded "Yes, I’m here for you. I can see you are much better now. Your dark circles indicate lack of sleep. What’s wrong Sarah?"

Lily was about to speak but I made my please- don't-say-face at her.

I lied "Uh, Um just nightmares you know.

Luis was silent for some time. He was looking at me suspiciously. As Luis was about to speak, I cut him quickly and asked him to have lunch with us.

Luis replied "Nah, not today. Actually, a minute ago, I received a text message from my cousin who just arrived from Las Vegas. She wants me to meet her urgently but it’s my wish to taste your hand made food, maybe some time for dinner?”

“Sure. Whenever you want.” I responded with a smile.

Lily came closer to my ear and whispered "He wants to marry you."

 I slapped her on the back. Luis was looking at us surprisingly.

I better move now, get well soon Sarah and see you tomorrow. I missed… I mean we have missed you today" He cleared his throat after what he blurted out.

Lily was smirking from the side of her face. She chirped "Be right back, I forgot my phone in my room!" and left the room.

As she left Luis came closer to me and looked at my lips. "Umm..? Is..?" before I say anything else, Luis crushed his lips with mines. We kissed deeply. He held me tight moving his hand up and down my back and I gripped his shoulders.

After some time we pulled apart. Luis looked embarrassed. "Umm…I’m sorry, I care… I care a lot for you." He ran his hands through his hair roughly and said "I better leave now. See you tomorrow."

“I know Luis, thanks for caring and don’t worry about the kiss, I felt good.” I said while blushing.

Lily was standing at the door, clearing her throat teasingly "Did I interrupt something?" She asked.

Luis replied "No, I was just leaving Lily, good we met before I left. Take care of your sister and call me if you need anything ok."

Lily nodded and thanked Luis. We both waved him good bye as Luis marched out the door.

She is still my sister (Short story)Where stories live. Discover now