Lily in trouble.

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As I was about to reach home, I started feeling unwell. My sight became blurry and it was hard to breathe.

I parked my car outside our house and hurried to unlock the main door. I couldn't open the door easily because my hands were all sweaty and shaky.

When the door opened up, I jogged inside in search of Lily. "Lily! Where are you? Lily?" I called her. Lily came out of the kitchen all messed up.

"Here I am!" She responded.

I ran towards her "Lily! Are you okay? What happened here? Why are you all dirty?" I asked her, wiping the dirt off her.

Lily pulled out a chair for me from the dining table and pushed me down to sit. "Sit down first!" She ordered. She brought a bottle of water from the refrigerator and gave me to drink. I was breathing unusually, I could hear the wheezing sound from my chest.

Lily demanded, "Relax please, try to breathe! I'll tell you the whole story."

I asked her in frustration "Why didn't you receive my calls?" while trying to breathe.

She replied "I told you relax first! I'll tell you everything!" I am badly in need of a shower please, I will be right back. Please?" She looked at me making her best puppy dog face. I could see she felt very uneasy. I nodded in agreement.

I gulped some water down my dry throat and closed my eyes to relax for a while.

Just in some time, I got the scent of Lily's shampoo. I opened my eyes right away to look at her. She was pulling out a chair to sit besides me. She looked much better and clean now.

"That was fast Lily! Okay now tell me the whole story!" I pleaded.

She moaned "Why are you behaving like this Sarah? I should ask you these questions. You look so fatigue!

And, I got messed up by my own mistake." She sighed in frustration.

I glanced at Lily angrily. She lowered her gaze and spoke "I thought to make dinner for us today.. And I successfully made mash potatoes along with steak and.."

I interrupted her in between "Speak fast please!"

"Okay, I had some time left before you got back home. So I decided to bake your favorite chocolate cake but I failed. All because of that stupid stool! Like, I was trying to get some white flour from the above cabinets but my hands didn't reach up there easily; then I went to take a stool from the rest room. After climbing up on it safely, I grabbed the sack of the flour and suddenly the stool cracked. I fell down with the whole sack of flour on me. That's it!"

"Is this your story? Are you lying to me?" I asked curiously.

'No sis! I can never lie to you, you know that!' Lily responded.

I started thinking "Marc said Lily might be in trouble? He tried to scare me! Should I talk to Lily about Marc? He is so heartless. He looked exactly like a monster today. What is he? I need to search on Google first. Later, I will check his Facebook profile, if he has one!"

Lily snapped her fingers twice at me.

I looked at her and blinked. "What?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and replied "You are so lost in your thoughts! What are you thinking about?"

I lied, "Nothing! Just thinking why you didn't pick up my calls."

She scowled "Sarah I told you, I forgot my phone at school today!" and continued,

"Now can we please eat? I worked really hard to make our dinner; you know I'm not an expert like you in cooking"

I smiled at her and said "Okay, Serve please..Waiter!" sticking my tongue out at her.

She came close to me and twisted my ears hardly.

"Owwww!" I cried in pain. She chuckled and went straight to the kitchen to bring the food she prepared.

Lily came out with steak wrapped in foil paper and a pan full of mash potatoes. She kept an empty plate in front of me and served me a piece of spicy grilled steak and mash potatoes made in white sauce on it. "

"Looks yummy Lily! Can't wait to eat! It even smells good!!" I commented.

She grinned "Eat Eat! And give me some points, out of ten!"

After having some of it, I spoke "Nine point five out of ten!"

She is still my sister (Short story)Where stories live. Discover now