A day at the Clinic-2

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Luis re-entered my cabin, walking backwards.

"Hey Sarah, I forgot the files! I hope you are all done. I will arrange the appointments by numbering them. Please give those patients a call soon."

"Are you a male-witch, or something? I heard they usually walk backwards, specially when they are doing some black magic." I chuckled, and handed over the file.

Luis shook his head, "Nope, do I look like one?”

“Yeah, you do. I know, you think that you are the most handsome man in this world, which you are so not.” I responded, sticking my tongue out at him.

“See who’s talking! Well, I know you are hiding something from me. Remember actions speak louder than words dear.” Luis muttered, while looking up at the ceiling.

“What do you mean?” I demanded.

“Ah nothing Sarah, time will tell us.” He replied.

I nodded biting my lower lip, “Yeah right, that phrase is so true, but I really don’t know what you are talking about Luis.”

“Stop acting innocent Sarah. Fine, don’t tell me anything, and let’s get back to work.” He demanded, and gave me a fake smile.

As Luis left the room, I started cleaning up the equipment and got ready for attending the patients for today. I put on my medical coat, and walked to the patient's waiting room. I asked the receptionist to give me their names and time of arrival, so I can start calling those who were here first.

I scanned the record book, "Umm, can we have Mrs. Richardson please, are you there? Mrs. Richardson?" I saw an old lady get up slowly with the support of her stick. I went over to help her, I greeted her first then guided her to Mr. Luis Blake for her eye-check up.

I always called him Mr. Blake in public, to show some professionalism and respect.

"Mr. Blake, this is our first patient, her name is Samantha Richardson, and she is seventy year old," 

Luis gave her a big smile, and greeted her nicely. Then, he got up to give her a chair next to him, and asked her to be comfortable.

"Mrs. Richardson, this is your ophthalmologist Luis Blake." I said pointing towards Luis. She smiled at Luis and nodded.

I continued speaking, "Her record shows she is..."

And suddenly my phone started ringing, I checked to see who it was.

"Silly lily -calling..." I canceled her call. I couldn't attend her call as we had a patient with us.

She called back again. I thought, what is with her? she knows I am at work! maybe she is into some problem. This girl is so disturbing.

"Luis, can I attend Lily's call please? Maybe there is something important, you know."

Luis replied, "No problem, just make it soon."

I thanked him, and hurried out the cabin to answer Lily's call,

"Hey honey, what's up? Is everything alright?" I asked,

"Sissy I'm on top of the world and all safe, what about you?" 

"I'm fine honey, just busy with work. Is there something important you want to speak about? Luis is attending a patient. I need to be there," I responded.

Lily chuckled, "I know, you can't get away from Luis even for a second! Okay to the point, I was thinking, umm, if I could invite Marc for dinner, and you could come home early to cook for us please? Your special meatballs and spaghetti with black forest pudding for dessert?" She pleaded.

"Lily you are such a monkey, can’t you cook for yourself? You want me to come home early so I can cook for your boyfriend? No way,!"

Suddenly something hit my mind; this is a good chance for me to know him.

I replied her, "Sure, invite him for dinner in that way I will get to do some investigation,"

"D-U-H Sarah, why don't you become an F.B.I instead? That job suits you better," She groaned.

“Yeah it does, it was my dream job anyway!” I answered, and the phone got disconnected.

I rolled my eyes and slipped the phone in my pocket. As I was about to enter the cabin, my phone beeped.

Must be a message from Lily, I thought.

I got a text message from her saying;

U r the best sissy in the world. U tc of me in the best way u can. I'm sure if our parents wud b alive thy must have been so proud of ya. Thanx 4 everything. Luv ya!

I smiled at what she wrote and replied her back,

It's my duty sweetheart, I would love to do anything for you. Love you too. Mwaaah!

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