After 4 years....(END)

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4 years later…

“Momma! Momma! Gimme some food pwease, Emu is hungwy!” Emma Blake came running to me, she looked as similar to my sister Lily.

“Honey, how many times I told you don’t come running to the kitchen like this, you might get burnt.” I scowled.

Just then, Luis came in and carried her in his arms, “Sweety, I told you, your momma will get angry. Come to papa, let's play outside. When she will be done with the dinner, she will call give us a shout."

Emma nodded, and stuck out her tongue at me. Geez,she got this habit of mines.

Luis grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him and kissed me on my cheek. On the other hand, he was holding Emma in his arms “Better hurry or I will eat you up at tonight.” He teased me, while  giving me a wink. He always teased me, in his romantic ways.

"How can you eat momma? She is so huge! Will she will be a big baby in your stomach then papa?"

Both of us laughed at her comment, kids can talk crazy anytime.

"No, not that way honey. I was just giving her a threat that, if she won't hurry, I will eat her instead." Luis replied her, rolling his eyes.

When I finished making the dinner, I started keeping plates on everyone’s side; by mistake I put a plate on Lily’s side, where she used to sit. No one sat on her chair since she died and I never had my food properly since four years after her death.

I always tried to act normal and happy in front of my daughter Emma. Luis always supported me in every way he could. 

“Sarah! What are you thinking, sticky bum?” Lily spoke behind me.

Yes! that's true, I could talk to Lily. But sadly, could not see her anymore. God gave me a chance to talk to her, after taking everything away from me.

“Lily! Shoooo! I was just thinking about you and you came, you are still so nosy.” I chuckled.

“Yeah, Is it? I am still your sister! And look, I just came from heaven with new powers!" She chirped.

In a while, I saw the table being set with lots of food, house getting all clean, the dishes being washed.

“All just for you!” Lily spoke excitedly.

I was amazed. “Is the any way to give you a tight hug?” I spoke with sadness.

“Hug our little Emma, she is my copy right? I asked God for this, so you can think she is Lily, and do whatever you did with me, like tease her as much as you want.”

“Duh, Lily! You haven’t changed a bit, huh. I can say, you are better this way, rather than being that ugly pugly vampire."

“Mommmaa! Mommaa! I jusht saw you tawking, who are you tawking to? I wanchu know. I am all big, pwease.”

Luis came jogging behind her, and stood there tight lipped. Then he gave me a sign to tell her.

“Baby, she is your aunty Lily, who is an angel and only I can talk to her. See how she set the table and cleaned the house for me?”

“Wowwi! Mommmaa! Thish ish awshome! Tell angel aunty to do my homework too!”

I hugged her tight and kissed her on her forehead “She will do that too, now let’s have our dinner.”

“Mommmaaa, will aunty eat with us too? I want to talk to her too!” I rolled my eyes at her, you have so many questions, I can see you are as annoying as your aunty.



                                                   ** THE END **


She is still my sister (Short story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora