A day at the Clinic- 3

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When I entered the cabin, Luis and Mrs. Richardson looked up at me unblinkingly. It worried me.

I asked Luis, “Is anything wrong?” and shifted my gaze to Mrs. Richardson.

“Not really, we both were waiting for you to come, and escort Mrs. Richardson to the main door of the clinic.” Luis replied, while pointing mannerly at her.

“Ah, that’s no problem.” I responded, and hurried  to help her up, then walked her all the way to the exit.

She smiled sweetly, and thanked me in her shaky voice, "Thank you dear, see you soon. God bless." I smiled back at her,

"It's my pleasure madam. Have a good day."

I walked back to the cabin, and saw Luis resting his head back on the chair, with his eyes shut.

He looked so admirable. His eyelashes were long and curly, when he flutters them, it looked like an angel flapping it's wings.

All of a sudden he woke up, "For how long have you been waiting for me to open my eyes? I hope you weren't thinking that I have reached the gates of heaven ha ha ha!" He joked.

"Luis! it wasn't funny okay?" I growled.

Luis stood up, moving so close to me that I could feel his breath on my neck , "Did it hurt you Sarah?"

I started feeling uneasy; like I was running out of oxygen.

I changed the topic expressionlessly in a trembling voice, "So what's with Mrs. Richardson?" and I gulped out loud.

He replied, "Oh yeah, she is having trachoma. She needs surgery to correct advanced stages of the disease and I gave her some anti-biotic. Note it down please." I nodded, and went to take my writing pad which was on Luis's desk.

While I was searching for a pen, Luis kept his hand on my shoulder. What did he want to say? 

"Go home early today because, we don't have many patients. We only have five more to go and all of them are just here for routine check-up. So you can leave by 6:30pm today." Luis explained.

"But that's against the rules here; I need to be here till my working hours and," 

Luis silenced me and continued, "I make the rules, don't I? It's fun breaking them too! I am not strict like dad. I want you to be, I mean my staff to be happy and free!"

I smiled at Luis without passing any comment, not sure of what to say and got back to work.

"Next patient please..."

Luis raised his eyebrow, "Huh?" and I made my -What?- face at him.

After getting done with all the patients, I decided to go to my cabin and complete all my pending works. I asked Luis for permission to leave. He nodded and asked me to meet before make my final move.

I completed all my work and looked at the wall clock; it read 6:15pm. I started packing my stuff, and  Luis exactly said that we will be done early today. So true.

I reached the main door to leave and thought; I forgot tell Luis I am leaving nowI didn't forget actually but facing him was hard all the time.I can't spoil my professional life because of my crazy heart. I adore him. We just can't be together! Like there's no way!

I was unaware that Luis was standing behind me, he spoke suddenly "What are you thinking Sarah, is there any problem?" I jumped back in fear,

"God, u scared me Luis! l I was thinking about making some plans with Lily, you know?" I lied.

Luis smiled at me and replied, "Sorry for scaring you pretty face. Do you need a ride home? I can drop you."

"No thanks, I have my car." I responded, showing him my car keys swiftly.

He continued "Great! Have fun then, and see you tomorrow!!"

This was a chance for me to be alone with him for some time, besides work, and I just refused. I could have taken my car in the morning; I just missed my dream ride. I called him back, “Luis!”

He turned back to look at me, raising his eyebrow at me. I couldn’t speak the right words. Why am I so weak when he is around me?

I quickly spoke "I was just saying, uh, thank you for asking.”

Luis nodded with a smile and walked away.

I saw Luis go back to his cabin from the corner of my eye, I thought; I can be annyoying at times. I have big ego. Well, I was always pampared by my parents. People ask me to grow up, but I love the way I am, and that's my nature. Oh, that's why I just missed my dream ride! Thank you for making me stupid God.

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