Second day at the clinic- The meeting

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After getting done with some of the patients. Luis asked me to go to my cabin, and complete some of the tasks I was given by him today. I had to complete them all before the staff meet up.

As I entered my cabin, I checked my phone first which was on the desk, to see if I missed any calls or messages from Lily, there were none.

I started assembling all the prescriptions of today, and checked the record files of every staff in the clinic to find if there were any negative points,so we can discuss it in the meeting.

When I completed all the work, I looked up the wall clock to see what time it was, it was almost lunch time. The time went by fast.

I arranged all my work in a speed, and hurried to the staff room. Luis was already there.

Kimberly and Mama Jane, our two nurses were'nt there yet. I took a sit near Luis, as we usually sit together.

Just in some time, the nurses entered the staff room together,

"Sorry for coming late." One of the nurse said while lowering her gaze. Luis welcomed them in. We all greeted each other first, then started our discussions.

When we were half way discussing on the first topic, which was "How To Have A Friendly Environment In The Clinic." Our food came, and Luis asked us to pause for some time,

"So let's eat first, then carry on with rest of the discussions. I'm starving!" Luis demanded.

I could smell pizza, it was my favorite junk food. I can eat them even if you wake me up in the middle of the night.

All different types of foods were kept on the table, there were pizzas, cheese burgers, mash potatoes, fried chicken, hot dogs and some soft drinks.

I only had my favorite Italian pizza with 7up. We all enjoyed our lunch.

After eating, we got back to our discussions on various topics like purchasing equipments, our eye camps, and donations. We lastly ended our discussion on something called "bonus points." Whoever cooperates the new rules perfectly will be choosen as the member of the week and will get the bonus, which will be added along with the monthly salary. We loved the idea of bonus points. It was a great Idea!

Luis spoke "From next month, the negative points will be marked. This month we forgive you. Die hard for the bonus points!"

The staff started laughing at what Luis said. I didn't find it funny. In fact, I felt bad, I worked so hard reading and finding out the negative points from the staff's record book.

At the end we all promised to serve the best to our patients and the world.

After the meeting, we all got back to our own work. It was 3:45 pm already.

When I was drinking water from the filter outside Luis's cabin. I saw the receptionist bringing patient number fifteen to the cabin. It was Mr. Jonathan, who I easily recognized because he had a major glaucoma surgery.

I hurried inside the cabin. Luis was already putting on his surgical clothing.

Luis spoke "Get ready for the eye surgery of Mr. Jonathan. Fast. You know, we are about to face a difficult situation in the theatre today.

I nodded and started getting ready, by putting on my surgical clothing.

Luis had also called a senior ophthalmologist from the eye hospital his dad works at, for guidance as he was well experienced. We all rushed to the operation theatre with the patient on the stretcher.

It took quite long for the operation to complete as it was a complicated case, but it went successful.

Luis was walking to his cabin and I followed him with a mug of coffee. He is addicted to coffee. He always needs a cup of it at the time of his relaxation.

Luis sat on his chair with his eyes closed and started rubbing his forehead. I put the coffee on the desk. At the bang of the mug, Luis opened his eyes and smiled at me "Thanks a lot Sarah; you exactly know what I need."

I joked "Don't you see, I am also doing the job of Maria, you should increase my pay Lu."

Luis raised an eye brow and responded "Don't you see, that's why I send you home early most of the times Sarah. You can go home sugar..."

He just called me sugar? What he...? I started blushing in front of Luis and he gave me his billion dollar smile.

Then I came to the point, "What do you mean go home Lu?"

I looked at the wall clock "It's 7:00pm, I still got an hour here. Not to forget we have a patient for routine check up "

Luis sighed "Yes, you heard me. Go home. Lily is waiting for you."

I got confused by his abnormal reactions. I nodded a yes, while biting my lower lip and turned to walk out his cabin.

Suddenly, Luis stopped me "Umm...Sarah!" I turned back to face him.

He continued "I thought you may like these." Luis opened his drawer, to search for what he wanted to give me.

He brought out a wide box and gave it to me.

I asked curiously "What is in it?"

He demanded "Open!" I did as he said.

"Oh my...Wow!" I cheered. It was a set of bright color bangles. They were so beautiful.

I shifted my gaze to Luis. He was enjoying my reactions.

"Just for you Sarah!"

"Is there any special reason for this gift?" I asked.

"I thought these are good for your eye sight you know." He smirked mischievously and continued, "Now go, and don't show them to anyone around here. Take care and have a good day!"

I couldn't stop blushing. I tried speaking with my stretchy cheeks "Thank you so much Luis, this means a lot. Good bye! Take care too!" and left his cabin.

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