The truth about their Grandfather.

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"So, what are you making for lunch?" Lily asked.

"Your favorite food of course." I replied.

"Let me help you Sarah. Tell me what I can do."

"Nothing, go to your room and talk to Marc, I will be fine alone." I demanded

Lily looked at me surprisingly "Now where did Marc come from, I was talking to Katie!"

"Yeah, I know."

"I don't know what has got into you; your mood is swinging badly" Lily responded. She took vegetables, washed them and started cutting them into cubes, and then she prepared the mixture of the pie.

"Stay away from Marc okay. He is a bad vampire! Not like Edward from Twilight" I warned.

"Sarah, please don't start!" Lily growled.

We both were silent for long. I started speaking to Lily when we were having our Lunch.

"So how is the food? I asked.

Lily replied "Its finger licking good, thank you so much!"

"Hey, I'm sorry but I need you to believe me." I mumbled.

Lily spoke "I will believe you, but I need strong proofs for it, do you have any? If not then please let me eat. I'm really enjoying my food.

"Fine, just wait!" I said furiously.

As we both were done with our lunch, we washed the dishes and I informed lily that I'm going to my room, I have some work. Lily nodded.

I jogged to my bedroom and locked it from inside.

I switched on my laptop to Google search for the term "Human Living Vampires". Nothing made sense. I didn't understand anything. Those definitions were going above my head.

As I was searching further. I came across a definition that I easily understood, it stated 'Human Living Vampires are human beings who are born, grown up, aged, and fully expect to die at the end of a conventional lifespan. No H-L-V claims to be immortal, invincible, or possessed of supernatural abilities. However, many members of these groups believe themselves to have some form of sensory amplification or extrasensory perception. After their death, the H-L-V will get to know the truth by the fallen angels and will get a chance to choose one family member, who will be gifted pure blood and a power in which they can heal vampires of any kind.'

I felt shivers all over my body after reading this. I gulped hard and closed my laptop hard.This is scary. Lily is gifted? Grandpa chose her? That's the reason why Marc is after her! It's her blood! i need to find out more about grandpa, I thought.

"Lily won't believe all this. What am I going to do?" I pulled my hair in frustration.

Lily knocked the door, shouting. "Sarah, why did you lock the door from inside? Open up! I need to talk to you.

Uh-no! I can't let her read this; it's not the right time, I thought. I deleted the web history and opened another web link of an ophthalmology site.

I went to open the door. Lily was standing there with her arms over her chest.

"So what do you want us to do together as we both are home today?" Lily asked as she set her foot in my room. I know what she loves doing.

"Lets go shopping!" I chirped excitedly, pretending everything is just fine.


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