At the Clinic with Luis

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"Hey cucumber, come and help me chop some spring onions! I am planning on making chicken fried rice and sweet corn soup, fine?" I asked Lily.

 "I love your cooking sis, especially the Chinese food made by you.” Lily replied with a grin on her face.

With the help of each other, we successfully made the Chinese and it looked delicious.

After having our dinner together, we moved on to Lily’s Biology project. She needed my help because of the subject was regarding the Eye. We drew a diagram of the organ and detailed every part by labeling it.

After getting done, I spoke "Lets’ go to bed now sweetheart. I’m so freaking tired. I will see you in the morning!"

Lily nodded and pulled me into a tight hug. “Good night Sarah!”

While walking up to my room, my phone beeped. It showed a message from Luis.

"Hey beautiful, you forgot to call me. I know you must have been busy. Just wanted to say I love you. Good night!" I immediately replied back to his text

"Yes baby Lu, I’m really sorry. See you tomorrow, I have missed you. Love you two,three, four. Good night”I entered my room and jumped on my bed backwards. My eyelids felt heavy, I closed my eyes and *blank* 

The alarm in my phone rang; I woke up stretching my arms and yawning. I had a wonderful sleep.

“Man! I have to wake Lily up, it’s hell boring and hard to do daily. I will make sure today is the last time I wake her up.”

 I got out of the bed and walked to my closet. My super mind thought of a super duper idea. I opened my closet and brought out a mask, which had a gorilla’s face. It was really scary; it had thick black hair on it and sharp teeth. Good thing, I was never scared of such things.

This mask has always scared Lily ever since we bought it. A picture came in my mind of Lily crying when I scared her for the first time wearing this mask when she was twelve. Dad asked me to throw it off; instead I hid it in my closet.  I cleared the dust out of it and then wore it.

I chuckled as I entered Lily’s room. She was fast asleep. I kept on making loud grunting sounds. Lily didn’t even move. I moved closer to her ear and grunted louder. Lily sat upright and screamed loud! "Aaaaaaah!” I started laughing at her.

“You Idiot, you can give me a heart attack Now get lost, I don’t want to talk to you.” Lily said angrily while folding her arms over her chest.

“I’m trying to wake you up for past half an hour! I needed to use this idea lastly" I lied to save myself.

Lily started singing "Liar Liar pants on fire!"

 "Okay Lily, wake up by your own tomorrow. You won’t get tortured, really!" I responded making a deadpan face.

 “Fine! Go!” Lily glowered while getting out of her bed. She went straight to the lavatory, without speaking a word and clenching her fists.

I knocked the door from the outside and said “Sorry” but Lily didn’t reply. I walked away by lowering my gaze. I can understand how bad she is feeling.

Today I was really excited to meet Luis, so I put on my best clothes on and some make-up. 

Then I went down to the kitchen to make some pancakes and coffee for breakfast.

Lily came down early unexpectedly. We both had our breakfast quietly; she was still upset with me.

 I dropped Lily to school. When we reached her school campus, I looked around to see if Marc is anywhere near. No sight of him.

 As Lily was getting out of the car, I pleaded “Lily please forgive me, I will not repeat this ever. Please?” Lily nodded a yes with a smirk on her face. I kissed Lily good bye and drove to the clinic.

 As I entered Luis was nowhere to be seen. I greeted everyone there and walked directly to my cabin.

My phone started ringing "Luis calling.."

“Why is he calling, when he is next door?" I wondered and picked up his call.

Luis chirped "Hey baby! Why you didn't come to my cabin to see me?"

"Why didn’t you come here if you missed me so much?”

 I heard my cabin door open. Luis came in and locked it from the inside.

I ended the call and said "Luis what are you doing here! Why did you lock the door?"

 Luis kept his index finger on my lips and silenced me. He replied in a sexy tone "I do miss you sugar!" He started caressing my lips and he crushed his lips with mines, carrying me on the desk. I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly and we kissed deeply.

"I have waited for this so long; it was hard to express my love for you. I was scared you might punch me on my nose. I love you Sarah" Luis spoke while breathing fast.

I started nibbling his ear lobe and licked all way his neck."I love you too!" I whispered in his ear. He moaned and grabbed me tighter.

There came a knock at the door. "Sarah! Open up! Is Luis in there? A patient is waiting for him in his cabin! Sarah! Helloooo" Maria kept on knocking.

 I asked Luis to hide under my desk. Luis nodded and hurried there. I adjusted my clothes and opened the door.

“Maria Sorry for locking the door, I actually had a feeling that a fly went inside my t-shirt, so was just checking" I lied.

Maria responded by sneaking in my cabin. "Never mind Madam, Where is Mr. Blake?"

 I don’t know Maria, I just came five minutes back remember. She nodded while chewing the end of her pen and she left.

"Phew! That was close!" Luis said coming out from under the desk. Luis again, started kissing me. I was enjoying his taste but then I pulled apart

 "We just got saved Lu!" I spoke.

 Luis nodded and replied "I agree, but I can’t resist you. Anyway, let’s get to work my love!"

I started blushing while putting on my medical coat and we both left the cabin. He went to his, and I went to the patient’s waiting room. Luckily, no one saw us coming out together.

Whenever we got free from a patient or when no one is there, Luis attacked me with his kisses. Our day ended really fast, it was beautiful together. Now time to go home to my baby doll.

 Luis demanded while I was leaving "Take care Sarah and don’t forget to call me or I will come to your place directly and make out with you in front of Lily!"

"Sure darling, Love u! Talk to you soon!” I responded with a wink.


How was this chapter? If you laughed your ass off.. Please comment and vote!! This is the last funny chapter, now its horror time!! Muhahaha! Lots of love <3

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