'Asalaam alaikum.'

'Waalaikum salaam Youssef.'

'Is everything okay? You are not back till now?' He has been extra protective since the attack at the hospital.

'Oh! Sorry, I'm at Sayeed's , I passed by to talk to Nasrah.' I explained.

'Why didn't you tell me.' Serious Youssef was the worst. You love to see it.

Do we have to argue on the day that he's set to leave?

'Sorry.' I said rolling my eyes. 'I'm coming home now.'

He ended the call.

'You are doing good!' Nasrah joked.

'Oh please. Let me just go home. But wallah, Thank you Nasrah so much.' I jumped at her kissing her cheeks.

'Anytime hayaty.' She laughed.

We hugged goodbye and I rushed back home. I got home and found everyone sitting and packing something for Youssef, must be helping him with the small things. Except Youssef wasn't with them.

'He's inside.' Maman said. Noticing I was looking for Youssef.

I walked into our room and found him hanging his clothes, probably what he's wearing for the trip.

'Asalaam alaikum...' I said unsure of his mood. He replied my salaam plainly.

I had helped him pack yesterday and Thursday not that he had many things to carry anyway. He said his apartment was furnished so it was great. He was just carrying some necessary things.

'What's up?' I asked casually trying to lighten up the mood.

'When were you planning to come back if I hadn't called? I'm not even gone yet and here you are already going out and about without asking me.' He said irritation laced his voice.

Gosh. I usually leave at 1:30pm on Saturdays and rightnow was 3pm and my guy here already has an attitude.

'Right about now.' I said with a smile walking towards him to hug him.

I couldn't give in to his mood otherwise it wouldn't end well. I had to make it right.

'Right. You had to tell me if you were passing somewhere.'

'I always do. I just needed some space Youssef, All of these packings and goodbyes are just so hard for me, I just needed to be away. I wasn't going to come back if you hadn't called and if Nasrah didn't tell me to come and spend time with you.' I cried.

He pulled me into a hug.

'Babe, we talked about this, right? No tears. Time goes by so fast. And if we survived the first two, these will be simpler because we have mutual understanding this time.'

I nodded.

'Still, I just hate goodbyes.'

'Sayeed will drive me to the airport. You don't have to go through that.'

Oh his best friend. He snatched my brother from me just like that. Not that I wanted it any other way. The two people I loved the most aside from Baba being close was like a dream for me. May Allah preserve their brotherhood. His flight was at night so it was only reasonable.

'Go through what, don't flatter yourself now.' I punched his arm and he laughed.

'I must be nice, my wife doesn't want me to leave wow.' He said with a smirk.

'I'll punch that smirk off your face real quick!'
I said narrowing my eyes at him.

'Oh sorry maam!' He said carrying me into his arms as he planted kisses all over my face and I laughed forgetting my fears and sadness. His embrace was my cure and why did I take so long to come back to him? And just like that I got the sweetest goodbye, I blushed even at the thought of it.

Footballer's hijabi wife Where stories live. Discover now