Chapter Twenty Seven

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We had to spend a week in Germany so I could testify against him, he was sentenced to 45 years and I couldn't be more happier. Right now I was resting my head on Jimin's shoulder as Taehyung head was on mine. I was distracted while looking out the window of the airplane. We were about to land and I was suddenly nervous. I sat up and took a deep breathe.

"You okay? What's wrong." Jimin asked me.

"I miss two years of my son's life and now I'm going to see him for the first time in six months." I chuckled nervously.

"Hey, he missed you and he can't wait to see you. No need to be nervous. Okay?" He reassured me.

"Okay." I peck his lips a few times and he laughed at me.

"You're needy aren't you?" He smirked.

"For you yes." I kissed his lips again and our kiss broke from the bump of the plane when it hit the ground.

"My virgin ears." Taehyung said in a raspy voice.

"Close your ears." Jimin told him, making me giggle.

"Besides I think you're ears are nastier than mine." I teased. He shrugged his shoulders in defeat and we got off the plane. Me and Jimin were hand in hand walking out of the airport. My nerves were to the roof. I missed my baby boy so much.

While we were walking I seen this gigantic banner with the words, Welcome Home Jada, and I stopped in my tracks. Tears unwillingly fell from my face as I seen my baby boy.

"MOMMY!" He ran to me and I opened my arms. I embraced him and he hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so much." I sobbed. I felt my shoulder getting damp and my heart broke because he was crying.

"Welcome home Jada." I broke the hug with Jameel and hugged Jungkook.

"Thank you Kookie."

"Anything for you Jada." I smiled at him and wiped my tears away.

"I'm so glad I'm surrounded by people who love me as much as you guys do." We did a big group hug before heading home. That night I sat on the couch, reflecting on the past few months.

Jameel was already sleep because he had school and Jimin was just getting out the shower. I was in deep thought and I didn't realize when he came into the living room until he sat on the couch beside me.

"Everything alright kitten?"

"Not really." I weakly smiled.

"What's going on?" He rubbed my thigh.

"Jiminie I've done some things that I'm not proud of-

"I know about him raping you I was in the court room-

"Aside from that..." I cut him off as tears were coming out of my eyes. "I've done somethings that I had to do to leave that place."

"I don't care what you did-

"I kissed someone, willingly." He was silent for a while before he finally spoke.

"What do you mean willingly?"

"I uhm, I've tried to escape numerous times and I ended up in the hospital during some of those times. So this guy Bambam, comes along, and he offers to help me if I did anything he wanted, and one of the things he wanted was to kiss me..." Jimin dropped his head. "He even wanted sex but I told him no because I can't do that, I already feel disgusting and- he cupped my face.

"You are perfect to me, whatever you did, you kissing him.. I mean I'm not happy about it but you did all just to get back to me. I love you Jada, I always have and I always will. Besides you're not the only girl I had a thing with." I hit his chest. "What!? They were before I met you." He joked and we laughed together.

"I don't deserve you." He kissed me deeply. The kiss started to get intense as he hovered over me. He was started to suck on my neck and then my collarbone. Soon my shirt started to lift up and I hurriedly and covered my stomach.

"What are you hiding from?" He asked softly as he took my hands, revealing my scar in the middle of my stomach. "What happened?" He questioned as he grazed my scar with his finger.

"Mark got me pregnant and he found out." Jimin stood up with rage clearly in his eyes.

"He did this to you..." his voice was barely coming out as he teared up. I just nodded my head. "He's dead!" I quickly stood up and grabbed his face.

"I'm here now! What am I going to do if you go to jail huh?" His face soften as he sighed. "I love you Jimin, I love you so much." I kissed him and it took a while for him to kiss back because of his anger, but he finally did. He picked me up and carried me up stairs to our shared bedroom placing me of the bed so gently. He took off my shirt then kissed my lips, my neck, my collarbone, he even kissed my scar.

"You'll never have to worry about that again. Daddy's here, and I won't let you go again."

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