Chapter Twenty One

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We were sitting in the restaurant when Mark asked for the check before we even ate. I was feeling really uneasy. Once he paid we left. He was driving for a long time. I pulled out my phone casually, about to text Jungkook but he snatched it out my hand and threw it out the window. I just stared at him in disbelief, I thought Jimin had a dual personality but right Mark was a completely different person, a dual personality was an understatement for him.

"I'm already mad sweetheart, don't make it worse."

"I'm not your babe, Mark." He chuckled as we come to a red light. When he stop the car, he unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed my face harshly.

"If I pull this car over before we get to the house you'll regret it." He released me harshly, buckling his seatbelt again. I literally swallowed my heart as I was trying not to freak out. I was breathing unsteadily watching the light turn green as a tear escaped my eye.

After about an hour we finally reached a destination. It was house with nothing but trees surrounding it. He pulled me out the car and into the house. The house was huge. It was a mansion.

"What do you do to get a house this big?"

"If I told you, I'd have to marry you." My heart drop. I kept my mouth closed, not wanting to say anything else. We walked around the house and he showed me each and every room. He showed me the doors to rooms I can never go in. Once we were in the living room he decided to speak. "You might be asking yourself why I'm showing you around." I didn't say anything, I just continued to avoid eye contact. This will be your new home."

"What!?" I looked him dead in the eye.

"This is where you're going to live with me." I want to wipe that stupid grin off his face.

"The hell I am." I snapped.

"Let me show you why you're staying."

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you!" His face went from and smug look, to serious as he dragged me out the house to a shed. He turned on the lights and I scanned the room.

"JAMEEL!!!" I ran to him. He was either sleep or unconscious but I was sobbing uncontrollably trying to wake him up.

"He's fine, for now, it all depends on how you act, sweetheart."

"What is wrong with you? You actually expect me to like you when you harmed the people I love, my child." I gritted through my teeth.

"You loved me-

"Past tense, the old you, I have no idea who's standing in front of me right now." My voice cracked my kept my composer.

"Yes you do, remember 8th grade year, the job fair..."


"Journalism? I can see it." Kunpimook said to me.

"Yeah, but what about you, Mark you've been walking around with us all this time and haven't paid attention to any of the careers."

"Because my career isn't here."

"Yeah and what's that?"

"A mafia king. I'm going to take after my dad."

"Mafia? Isn't that for cold hearted people who kill others, even the innocent and sell drugs and other illegal stuff." I questioned.

"Yeah." I stopped walking and faced him.

"But you're not cold hearted."

"I have a heart for you."

"Yuck" Kunpimook said while walking away.

"One day you're going to be my queen." Mark smiled at me and held my hand.

"Yeah right, I'm not doing that crap. Sounds like a one way ticket to hell to me."

"You love me right?"

"Of course I do, but I won't be apart of that."

"We'll see when we're older" The bell rung indicating that school was out.

"Well I have to go. My parents are waiting outside."

"No kiss?" I blushed and peck his cheek before running out the building to my dads car.

"When you left, I never lost hope in finding my queen again. Every since I saw you in Africa, I wanted to get you back, Jimin had claimed you, but I didn't care, as you can see." He smirked.

"You're forgetting the fact that I'm already married and the fact that I told you I'm wasn't getting involved in this bullshit." I spat.

"And I told you we'll see, now let's go, I'm horny and in the mood for celebrating our new lives together." He grabbed my arm but I snatched it away.

"Fuck off! I'm not going anywhere with you, you devil!" I gritted through my teeth.

"You love to upset me, you have no choice but to comply. The ventilation system in the cabin is loaded with CIS gas that can kill him in under 30 seconds with one push of a button and as for your lover, I have so many people on guard here that he can get shot down, before even entering the gate, I made sure of that." He laughed wickedly. I looked back at Jameel and more tears came down my face. "Now LET'S GO!"

He grabbed me and dragged my out of the shed and I fought for my life. Once we entered the house and kicked him and tried to escaped but the front door was locked from the outside? I turned around and seen him laughing with the keys in his hand. I tried to run again but he grabbed me, injecting me with some fast acting substances that made me dizzy and then unconscious.


She didn't text or call, and I felt deep down inside that something is not right. I was pacing looking at the clock that read 11:52. I seen Jungkook looking at the tv all calm so I went up to him because my nerves were getting the best of me. He got a text on his phone and he read it, then locked his phone while standing up.

"Who was that? Was that Jada" I questioned.

"No, it was Mark." He calmly answered.

"Well what did he say, what does he want, where's Jada." He didn't say anything, he just got up and went to his room. Of course I followed because this is a serious matter and I won't be able to breathe until she's home. "Dude what the hell."

"I'm sorry Jimin." He took out a white cloth from his dresser and forcefully covered my nose and mouth. I struggled to break free but I was getting dizzier and dizzier, the more I fought him. Soon I blacked out.

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