Chapter Seven

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I made it to Africa. The scenery was beautiful, all the different color trees, the different flowers and plants. It was truly jaw dropping, amazing. I arrived at my parents house and I was so happy to see them. They took me on a tour around the area and I loved every part of it. After an eventful day, we sat in the backyard, watching the sunset just talking.

"So Jada, how's school?" My mom asked.

"It's going great, I met this boy name Jungkook, and he's really special to me."

"A boyfriend?" My dad asked straightforwardly.

"No, no, dad, a special friend. We care about each other but not in that way, along with my other friends Taehyung and Tai" I explained.

"Is there a man in your life?" She bluntly asked.

"Um, yeah, something like that." I shrugged.

"Really? Tell me about him." She lives for the mother-daughter talks, such as this.

"He's a little older than me, he's Korean but fluent in English. We've been seeing each other for over a year now."

"What is his profession?" My dad countered.

"Teaching." I said nervously, not wanting to feel the shame from my parents.

"So he a school teacher, that's nice." I can't lie to my parents so I went ahead and opened my big mouth.

"H-he's a college professor..." my parents looked at each other before speaking.

"Is he your professor?"

"Yes." My dad choked on his drink, coughing hard before speaking.

"You're dating you college professor!?" My dad exclaimed.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Jada..." she softly spoke.

"You're looking down so obviously you know how bad that sounds." He sighed, "how old is he?"

"23." It was silent, then my dad spoke again.

"I don't like this but you're an adult and I trust the right decisions. Doesn't mean that I won't check up on you." He warned.

"I don't want anyone to take advantage of you. With him being a professor and there's been cases where they take advantage of the student for a grade or etc." She softly spoke while placing her hand on mines.

"He's not mom. He loves me, way more than I ever thought I could be love."

"Okay, I'm going to act like that didn't hurt my feelings." She joked.

"You know what I mean" I giggled.

"When do we get to meet him." My dad asked.

"Soon. He's spending time with his parents and well I'm here."

"Okay, you know I love you no matter what!"

"I love you too, both of you" I smiled.

"I love you too sweetheart." I hugged them both and we continued to have a conversation about any and everything. Gosh I really did miss them.

- ᯽ -

It's been a week in Africa and I really missed my Jiminie. I decided to call him but he didn't answer. I was sitting in a park. Everything around me inspired so I wrote it down in my journal. I also took pictures on a Fujifilm camera that printed the pictures out instantly. While I was shaking the picture it fell out my hand and started to fly away. I started to chase it but this guy picked it up.

"Gosh. Thank you!"

"No problem miss." That voice.

"Wait... Mark!? Mark Tuan!"

"Jada!? Wow it's been ages!! How have you been?" He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I haven't seen him since grade school. In the mist of moving from country to country, Mark was my best friend in the 6th-8th grade, although last time I seen him was 3 years ago while I was on vacation in Los Angeles. "How's my little cheetah doing?"

"It's been a while since 8th grade, I actually do my work now." I joked. He nickname me cheetah, because I would always copy off him and we ran track together and I would always beat him so yeah, you get the idea.

"Of course because you can't copy off me anymore." I laughed.

"Whatever, that was middle school." I playfully hit his chest.

"So what are you doing here in Africa?"

"My dad's duty station."

"Oh okay, how is Mr & Mrs. Brownies?" He teased.

"They're fine I'm sure they'll be happy to see you again, are you busy??"

"Not anymore, let's go." He locked our hands together and we were walking through the park. We reached my car and his car was a was a blocks away.

"Do you want me to take you to your car?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure since I have to follow you anyways-

"Jada!" That voice, I know that voice from anywhere. But it can't be! I turned my head slowly towards the direction of the voice and it was Park Jimin, storming towards us.

"Jimin?" I said in disbelief.

"Am I interrupting something?" He said angrily while staring Mark up and down. "Who is he?"

"I'm Mark, Jada's life long best friend." He snapped

"Funny she never mentioned you!" He snapped back.

"And you are!?" They were matching each other's energy and I was getting really nervous.

"He's my-

"Her soon to be husband!" My eyes widened at his response. Then he looked back at me. "What are you doing?"

"I was about to take Mark, to see my parents."

"In your car with just you two?"

"I was about to take him to his car-

"Why can't he walk!?" He raised his voice at me.

"Cause he needs to follow me to get there, I was just being nice!"

"Look Jada, why don't we do this another time." He said while watching the whole thing. "What's your number?"

"None of your business-

"JIMIN!" He looked at me and sighed angrily. I gave him my number and watched him walk away. I turned my attention back towards Jimin. "How did you get here, when did you get here, how did you know where I would be?" I bombarded him with questions.


"No, answer me!" He sighed and looked down.

"I got here three days using the find my iPhone app. I wanted to surprise you but I seen you with that guy, I lost it."

"This is not okay Jimin." I scolded him.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"I forgive you, but you got to learn how the control your temper."

"You're right. But we are here together now and we don't have to worry about anyone catching us, when they're thousands of miles away." I nodded my head slowly at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "So can I meet your parents?"

"Y-yeah." He smiled at me and kissed me. I returned the smile as he walked away. I got inside my car and waited for him to text me when he was ready. I started my car and headed towards my parents house.

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