Chapter Twelve

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"So you say you were pregnant? Where's your child now?" A thick tear fell from eyes and more followed suit.

"Um.." my voice cracked. "My son died... when he was five."

"You don't have to talk about it-

"I told you I needed closure so um here goes." I tried to pull myself together before speaking. "One day I was home sitting on the couch on the phone with Jimin. He and our son were on the way home from a baseball game"

— 2 years ago

"So what do you have in mind?" He asked.

"I have the taste for Kimchi... no pizza! I don't know." I giggled.

"How about both?"

"Ugh, you're the best Jiminie." I smiled widely into the phone.

"I know. I gonna go now, don't want to get pulled over with Jameel in the car." He chuckled.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love yo- the line died.. like there was a crash or something.

"Hello!? Jiminie!? JIMINNNN!!!" I was getting super nervous. By this time he had stop taking my cars keys so I went to get in the car and try to find them. I was driving around for almost half an hour until I got a phone call. "Hello!? Jimin!?"

"Mrs. Park, I presume?"

"Who is this? Where is my husband!?"

"I'm Officer Fait, there's been in accident. Can you come to —— hospital please?" I didn't reply, instead I rushed to the hospital not caring about a speed ticket. Once I got there I was an emotional wreck as I was looking for Jimin and Jameel.

"Mrs. Park?" I ran up to the officer and tears came down my face.

"Where are they?" I sobbed.

"Undergoing surgery"

"Surgery..." I whispered as more tears fell.

"I have to ask, does anyone have a motive to hurt you or your husband." He questioned.

"What? I don't- I don't know..." He sighed at my response as I cried.

"We'll be in touch." I felt helpless, I felt dead. I was thinking about why he asked if anyone had grudges against us. The only thing that I thought about and  could make me feel better was knowing that my family was alright. I sat in a waiting chair and I called Jimin's family, along with Jungkook for comfort.

— Hours later

I was resting my head on Jungkook's shoulder as he caresses my hair.

"Park family?" They all stood up as I walked to the doctor.

"I-I'm his wife, Mrs. Park."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Park. Your husband is in a coma."

"Wh-what... what about my son?" He doctor was silent, pain stretched across his face, I know this couldn't be good.

"You have an obligation to answer her" Jungkook said.

"I'm really sorry. He didn't make it" He sighed heavily.

"MAKE IT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN MAKE IT!! WHERE IS HE!!!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Jungkook tried to comfort me but I pushed him away.

"I'm so sorry..." he walked away and went back behind the doors he appeared from.

"NO! NO. No no!" I fell to the ground and Jungkook fell with me. "My baby!!" I cried.

"Shhh... I'm here for you." I cried uncontrollably in his arms. I couldn't stop. I stayed in the hospital room with Jimin until he woke up a week later. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. When I told him what had happened to Jameel, he was devastated... not to mention he was temporarily paralyzed from the waist down.

We cried together and he was even blaming himself, and I told him not too. I took care of him for six months until he started walking again. I was happy for him but a part of my heart was missing. I told Jimin that I didn't want to have anymore kids and he understood. I was depressed, but soon he took care of me. I tried everything to push him away. I didn't leave the house for almost two months after he could walk, but he got me to go out again.

This accident made our love stronger even though we haven't had sex in about 7 months.. but that didn't matter. All that mattered was us spending time together as husband and wife. We would take silent walks through the park. It took a while for me to get back to myself. Mark even came back into my life out of no where. I seen him one day when I was at the grocery store.

"Jadayla Brown" I looked up at him as he was walking up to me.

"It's Park now." I corrected him with a smile on my face.

"Oh right... my apologies." He raised his hands in defeat.

"What are you doing here in Busan?"

"I've recently moved here." He said with a friendly smile. I nodded my head and continued to shop. "Need any help?"

"I'm fine.. thanks for asking though." I tried to walk away but he spoke again.

"My parents are coming into town, I know they would love to see you again."

"Really!? I haven't seen them in ages... when are they coming?" I asked excitedly.

"Next week."

"I'd be happy to see them again." The conversation didn't go on to long as we finally split ways. I saw his parents and I would see him frequently, more like he would see me and I would just conversate. When got close like the old times until one day he got awkward. I was at his parents' house with him and I was about to go home so he walk me out to my car.

"Thanks for inviting me over, and I hope they have a safe trip back home." I said as I was about to open my car door.

"Thanks for coming, even though they were very embarrassing bringing up our past." I just giggled at him. He kissed me and I immediately pushed him away.

"What are you doing?" I asked with wide eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I just-

"I'm married and very much in love with my husband... I'm sorry but we can't see each other anymore."

"Jada please, I'm-

"Goodbye Mark." As I was about to open the car door, Mark slammed it close while pressing our bodies against each other. I was trapped in between his hands. "Mark, what are you doing?"

"Please don't leave upset with" He said desperately, looking deep into my eyes.

"I'm sorry but I have to go" We didn't break contact until he removed his hand off the car while backing up. I got in my car and went straight home. Have I been so blind to see that he likes me. I wanted to tell Jimin but he would have killed Mark, so I kept it to myself since it was nothing and I was going to stay away from him. When I got home Jimin wasn't there so I took a shower and went to sleep even though it was only 6pm. He's probably in a meeting, I thought.

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