Chapter Twenty Five

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"What are you doing here?" I asked breathlessly.

"I-I came to ask your parents for help, I miss you like crazy." He stuttered.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"I miss you too." He kissed me deeply. "I-I can't believe you're really here." I said while touching his face and crying.

"You're not going crazy." He joked as he sniffed. "We can go home today."

"I can't..." his smile faded.

"WHY!?" I put my hand over his mouth.

"Mark is here..."

"Where is he!?" He was about to storm out the door before I stopped him.

"No, no, no. He's armed!"

"So am I!"

"You're not about to have a shoot out at my parents house!" I whisper yelled.

"You're coming with me."

"Jiminie if I go with you what's to stop him from coming after me again..." I spoke softly. It was silent for a while as tears fell down his face. "I have a plan, in two days, there will be a set up and I'll finally be free, okay. I love you so much and I can't wait to be back in your arms." He hugged me tightly. "Wait for me baby, I'll be here."

"I love you so much Jada." I kissed him deeply. Minutes later we pulled apart to catch our breath but I just wanted to stay in that moment.

"Thank you for not giving up on me."

"I would never. Thank you for that clue." I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What clue?"

"The text message that said 'I'm in B'"

"I never sent a message. Mark would never get close to a phone without him knowing."

"Do you think he sent it to mess with us?"

"No, he would never give up the location, not when he knows you're alive." I answered. Who could have sent him that message? I thought.

"Well the important thing is, is that I found you and that I can bring you home." He said while smiling lovingly at me.

"I know I said this already but I really love you." He smirked at me and kissed me again but this time he picked me up. He sat down on the bed and I straddled his lap. I let him dominate my mouth as I moaned in the kiss. There was a knock on the door. "Get under the bed!" I whispered as my mom came into view. "Mom have you been there the whole time?"

"I was on the balcony until I heard the door." She whispered to me. I giggled at her. "Come in!"

"Sorry to interrupt, you've been gone for a while, I missed you."

"Well were done talking so we can go downstairs now." I walked pass him and he followed. My mother stayed back awhile before coming into the living with us. After about an hour or so later I made an excuse to go back upstairs and to talk to Jiminie again and kissed him goodbye.

He dropped me off at home and went back to the office. I was sitting on the couch watching tv but my mind was some where else. My mind was on Jimin, it was on Jimin all night long.

The next day it was the same routine, sitting in the living trying to enjoy my Mark free day. Soon the doorbell rang and I went to go answer it. It was Bambam and I reluctantly let him in because I had questions.

"Did you get the files?" I said while walking back the couch.

"Yes you know I did." He smiled and tried to kiss me and I pushed him away. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know you tell me Kunpimook." He chuckled like something was funny.

"I bet he couldn't wait to tell you-

"Why didn't you!? You lied to me! You said you've been working for him for years but you started working here right when I came."

"It's not what you think."

"Then what is it? Because last time we spoke was in the 7th grade when you told me I'll regret picking Mark over you and then I never saw you again, so what is this some kind of revenge against him!?" I shouted.

"Jada, it's not what you think, I let that go." He said calmly.

"Really because you come here and introduced yourself to me like I never met you, you've been lying to me, so why should I trust you!?" I stood up.

"Because we want the same thing."

"I want to be home with my husband and-

"You weren't thinking about him when you were kissing me- I slapped him across his face and he smiled.

"You said you'll help me get away from here if I did whatever you want and kissing you was one of those requirements, so you're out of your fucking mind if you think I have feelings for you. You're just a mean to leave this hell and never come back, so screw you, I can do this without you because I refused to be disrespected by the likes of you so you can just get the hell out!" I gritted through my teeth and his smile faded. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm and I turned around to face him while snatching it away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." I glared at him as he sighed. "I'll be here tomorrow before your date to give you the wire to wear. See you soon." He leaned in to kiss me and I pushed him away again.

"No. I'm not going there with you again." He pressed his lips together before walking towards the door.

"I really am sorry, see you tomorrow?"

"Mhmm." I closed the door in his face and walked back to the living room. I sighed heavily as a tear escaped my eye, reflecting on everything I did. Yeah I could have avoided giving in to Bambam, but after all my failed attempts, I was so desperate for help I was willing to do just about anything except sex because only one man will ever get my consent and that will always be Jimin.

I feel like I was cut off from the world for six months and I couldn't wait to get connected with my family and friends again, and tomorrow is the day that Mark will finally pay and go away. I just pray everything go as planned.

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