Chapter Twenty Two

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I woke up midway of Mark raping me. He didn't notice when my eyes open because his head was buried in my neck. Tears flowed from my eyes and I tried to push him away. Whatever he injected me with, left me feeling weak. I hopelessly tried to push him off. He rosed up, pinning my arms above my head and stared at me.

"Don't cry." He kissed my tears and sped up his pace. I felt disgusted, I needed to get away from him. As he came, he looked at me. "Are you scared of me?" I didn't say anything, I just stared at him. He smile at me at kissed me.

"I-I need to go to the bathroom."

"Don't take too long." He pulled out and got off me. I went to the bathroom and cried my eyes out while looking at the mirror. It was 11:30pm. I was looking for something to put on my body and found new robes hanging up, one of them had my name stitched on it. I was slightly terrified. How long has he been planning this? I walked out the bathroom and he was on the bed playing on his phone.

"I see it fits perfectly on you, it'll look better off though." I stood in the doorway listening to him. He smirked and got up. "You must be hungry, I'll go get the cook to make us something." He left the room leaving his phone in the table. I hurried and took the opportunity to text Jungkook from his phone

It's Jay, I know where Jameel is. Mark has this place surrounded and these men are ordered to kill Jimin if they see him. I need you to be at Manden backroad, by yourself. It's a gate 2 miles from the road. I will have Jameel run to it at 12. Please come alone. He'll have a letter for Jimin. And most importantly be safe. I love you Kookie.

I sent it then deleted it from his phone. I was looking around the room for something, something that could knock him out for a while. I found an extra syringe in the night stand. I took it and put it in my pocket. He came back with this tray of food. It smelt good but I was disgusted by the sight in front of me.

He set it down on the bed and came behind me. He slid my robe down exposing my shoulders so he could kissed the exposed skin. Then he moved to my neck. I leaned my head to the side to give him more access. I felt him smirk against my skin. He moved in front of me and kissed me. He held my waist to push me against him.

I slid the needle out my pocket and then wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. I stabbed him and he fell to the ground instantly with a groan. I fixed the robe and started to search for pen and paper to the letter. It was 11:58 when I was done so I text Jungkook. He was already there waiting so I ran to the shed.

"Baby... baby wake up!" He opened his eyes and I started to tear up.

"Mommy?" He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

"I love you so much! But I need you to listen to me. You still like to run?" He nodded his head. "Remember uncle Jungkook. You're going to give daddy's letter to him okay."

"Mom whats going on?"

"Baby I don't have time to explain okay!? Here!" I put it in his pocket. "Come with me." We went outside of the shed and it was dark but the moonlight shined perfect so we could see. "I need you to run that way, you're small enough to fit through the gate. Jungkook will be there okay."

"Mommy it could be dangerous."

"It's more dangerous if you stay!!" I yelled, he started to cry. "Don't cry baby okay. Mommy will see you soon, I promise." I kissed his forehead. "I love you my brave little boy!"

"I love you too!" He sobbed.

"Now go!" He took off running in the direction I sent him in. I watched him until he disappeared from my sight. "I love you baby boy." I whispered to myself.

"You think you can run away!" He put me in a headlock and I struggled to break free. "You're NOT LEAVING ME!" He noticed the shed was opened and he dragged me to it. "YOU LET HIM ESCAPE!"

"My son will never be your victim and neither will I!"
I gritted through my teeth.

"Sweetheart," he cupped my face. "You're not my victim, you're my first love and I love you. Don't worry, I'm going to take you away from this place."


When I woke up on the floor I looked around me and realized where I was, it was 1:06am. I quickly got up and searched the whole house for Jungkook. I'm going to kill him!! I grabbed my keys and was about to head out the door but there Jungkook was with Jameel.

"What's going...?"

"You better sit down for this." I did as he said. After he explained everything to me, I hugged Jameel tightly.

"I don't care if I die we have to go save her." I said while standing up.

"Dad... mom left you a note." He pulled a folded envelope out of his pocket and handed it to me.

Dear my Jiminie,

Who would have thought a girl like me was going to fall in love with her professor. I love you so much and I trust that you and Jameel will be fine for however long I'll be gone. He was prepared to kill the both of you so I'm sacrificing myself for you, because you sacrifice so much for me. Please don't give up hope on finding me because I'll never give up hope getting back to you. Take care of our baby boy. Don't be mad at Jungkook. This isn't goodbye... it's see you soon.
                                               Park Jadayla 🖤

Tears flooded my eyes as I read it. I fell to my knees sobbing. I will never give up Jada....

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