Chapter Thirty Five

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I couldn't stop the tears that were coming from my eyes as I broke away and ran towards Jimin. I lifted his face up but he was unresponsive.

"Jiminie please get up!!" He still didn't respond. My heart has been ripped out my chest and ran over by an 18-wheeler.

"That's enough of that!" He snatched me up to face him and I fought to get out of his arms.

"You're the devil incarnated!" I gritted the my teeth.

"And you'll be my queen." He smirked.

"I don't think so." His eyes widen as he turned around to meet Mark's. I took the opportunity to run away from him and run into Jungkook's arms as I cried.

"Old Friend! Come to join the show?"

"Not likely. This is for Milana!" Without blinking Mark shot Bambam between his eyes and I gasped as he fell to the ground instantly. Jungkook held me tightly in his embrace as I watched the whole thing happen. I ran to Jimin to try and get him to wake up, hoping this was part of the plan but he wouldn't move.

"It's okay Jada. You'll be with me now." Jungkook said while rubbing my back. I glared at him like why would he even say something like that.


"About that... I've came to realize in the past few months... maybe years that I still love Jadayla and now that Jimin is out the way I got to get rid of the rest of the competition."

"Mark you don't have to do this..." I said while standing up.

"Yes I do. Starting with that child that isn't mine."

"Mark please- his gun went off and I fell to the ground but Jungkook was on top of me. "Ju- JUNGKOOK!?" He shot Jungkook and I felt my heartbreak all over again. I had to think fast so I went to Bambam and grabbed his gun.

"DROP IT!" His gun was was pointed towards me. "Don't upset me sweetheart, stand up!" I did as he said and slowly stood up.

"Mark please don't do this."

"Don't worry, you'll lose some blood but you'll be okay. It'll be like old times, you and me. We can make new memories." He was talking like a crazy person.


"I love you." He aimed his gun and a gun went off but it wasn't his. He dropped to his knees and then another shot went off making him collapse to the floor all together.

"Tae?" He ran to Jungkook.

"SHIT! Jimin get up!" What!?

"Why isn't Jungkook getting up!?"

"The bullet missed the vest we got to get him to a hospital now."

" Jada come untie me!" I snapped out of my trance and went to him to untie him. "Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Y-yeah I think so, but J-Jungkook.." I said as my voice cracked. Taehyung carried his unconscious body out of the warehouse and me and Jimin had to stay behind to call the cops.

"They're on the way." I stood there looking at Mark and Bambam bodies and the pool of Jungkook's blood as tears rolled down my cheek. "Jada?" I didn't say anything. I felt like my throat was being crushed. "Baby come here." He pulled me into his arms and I sobbed uncontrollably. He caressed my hair as I let it all out.

"I can't lose my best friend." I muffled into his chest.

"He's going to be okay, you have to believe that." He hugged me tightly and we waited for the police to arrive. After answering all their questions we got in the car. "What do you want to do?"

"Take me to the hospital." I said emotionlessly.

Jungkook's mind

"Where am I?"

"Don't tell me you forgot where we first met." Jada laughed

"In this very courtyard at 18 years old. Can't believe that happened 13 years ago."

"Who would have thought that a simple conversation between two strangers would bring us so close together."

"I feel like we're in one of those movies where I'm on the verge of dying and you're my angel to ease my stress when death comes."

"Well technically that's exactly what's happening, and I'm flattered to be the angel you dreamt." She smiled brightly at me and it made my heart flutter.

"I'm so sorry we didn't tell you. Jimin and I had a feeling that Mark wasn't on our side or he would flip at the last minute so we had to keep part of the plan a secret from you. We needed your reaction to be real."

"Oh it was real alright. I felt like I was dying. I'm losing my best friend." A tear escaped her eye and I felt bad for her.

"Don't cry, I'll always be in your heart." I pulled her in my embrace.

"That's not enough. I'm not ready to say goodbye to you. We're supposed to be lifetime bestfriends and grow old together and then our children become life time bestfriends too, but they can't date each other! That never works out." She sadly joked. When she said that I looked down at her belly.

"Too bad your bump isn't visible yet." I chuckled.

"What bump?"

"Your baby bump silly."

"I'm not pregnant anymore Kook."

"What!? WHY!?"

"With all the stress of you dying.. I lost it." My heart broke, all I went through to protect her and her child as he baby is dead, I couldn't take it anymore.

"No... NOO!!"


I was laying on a little couch with Jimin as Taehyung was sitting bedside waiting for Jungkook to wake up. It's been hours since the surgery and I was getting nervous. After a while the monitor flat lined and we all stood up to feet.


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