Sasuke's Choice

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"So you're actually doing this?" Hoshino's voice came from several feet away. Sasuke's head snapped up, and he came face to face with the other boy, who was approaching him from the other end of the training grounds.

"I don't know." Sasuke's anguish and self conflict were reflected in those simple words as he met Hoshino's eyes. The other stared back unwaveringly, looking for any hints of lying. He found none.

Hoshino wanted to sigh out loud. Sasuke was always hard for him to read, something he wasn't used to; usually, people were like books. You could read them easily if you knew what to do and how to do it. With Sasuke, it was different. He lacked the facial expressions that usually expressed the person's thoughts and emotions.

But, Hoshino had learned that if you wanted an answer, you look in the eyes. Carefully. Sasuke's eyes were easy to read. They held pain, anger, frustration, and... conflict? Hoshino blinked. That wasn't there before.

"Hoshino...?" Sasuke's voice brought him back to the present and out of his thoughts. He hummed in response to show he was listening.

"Why am I finding this so difficult?" Sasuke asked him, sitting down. "This should be a no brainer, but I'm feeling so conflicted..."

Hoshino looked at him and sat down next to the black haired boy, leaning back on his hands and staring at the sky before responding. "Sasuke, as little as you may like it, you're human. You have emotions, you cry, you feel joy, you can be scared. You can't just ignore your feelings. You may be a genius, but that doesn't change anything. Yeah, you were traumatized and alone, you were taught to use your brain, not your heart, but I'm sorry. If you don't get this, you're no genius."

Sasuke blinked, processing his words. He had a really good point, whether Sasuke liked that or not. He's right... how long can I run from the fact that I'm merely human? How long can I run from my emotions? But still... I can't rest knowing HE'S still out there...

"Hoshino... this may seem like an unthoughtful question, but don't you want revenge? Revenge on your father?"

Hoshino stiffened, his breath hitching. Sasuke immediately regretted asking that; he shouldn't have brought it up. As horrible as his situation was, he wouldn't want to be in Hoshino's position either; having a parent that was alive, but didn't care about or love him. That would hurt worse.

Instead of a hate filled response, Hoshino let out a sigh and spoke again. "Be a spirit in the dark, not a darkness of the spirits. Seek the light with utter relentlessness, walking with determination, gratitude and joy. Let bitterness fall to the ground and not from your lips. Let the ego be your pride in how you serve and never simply serve the ego. Let your heart seek joy and learn to sing with courage and simple truth. Let the ways of love be your guide over the tongues of men. Listen with warm eyes rather than watch, ask your heart for guidance. Seek to be one who heals and seek those who heal. Always ask, 'Why?' Always try to see how ideas can be combined - often things that seem incompatible are two parts of the same puzzle. Learn to be an embodiment of kindness, actively rejecting opportunities to do others harm with voice or action. Do this, and you will find your own child-spirit, your true self waiting within."

Sasuke stared in disbelief, not expecting anything like that to be Hoshino's answer. "What?" He questioned.

Hoshino shook his head, chuckling to himself. "Ah... I talk too much sometimes, don't I? To paraphrase: living your life to the fullest, finding happiness no matter how hopeless and dark the world looks is the best form of revenge. Itachi took only a part of your life. Do you believe the rest of your story revolves around you looking to destroy him? Your story is unwritten, and you have the chance to make your life one you can be proud of. Besides, if you do this, you'll be no better than he is."

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