A Dangerous Mission

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"Hosino reporting from point A."

"Sasuke, at point B."

"Sakura, I'm at point C."

"... Naruto, I'm at point D. Believe it!"

"You're slow, Naruto." Kakashi reprimanded him through the headset. "Okay, Squad 7... hm... the target has moved! Follow it!"

Hoshino crept behind the trees quickly, careful not to make any noise. His ice blue eyes were narrowed in concentration. Have to be careful... even the slightest noise could give us away.

"What's your position?" Kakashi asked.

"Five meters." Naruto answered. "I'm ready, just give the signal."

"Two meters." Hoshino replied steadily. "I'm ready whenever you are."

"I'm ready too." Sasuke said.

"So am I!" Sakura followed up.

"Okay.... now!"

Hoshino streaked forwards and scooped the cat up in his arms swiftly. The feline began to struggle, but Hoshino hurriedly loosened his grip and stroked the cat's head, causing him to relax and start purring.

"Aw..." Naruto pouted. "I wanted to get him!"

"Wanna hold him?" Hoshino asked, trying to cheer him up. Naruto nodded, holding out his arms. Hoshino passed the tabby to the Uzumaki, and almost immediately after the cat attacked Naruto, sending him to the ground in pain as he clawed his face.

"Does he have the ribbon on his left ear?" Kakashi asked, most likely unaware this was happening.

"Affirmative." Sasuke replied, not paying attention to the sounds of struggle behind him as Naruto tried to fend off the cat and Hoshino tried to calm the cat down. "We've got a positive I.D." He continued once Hoshino ripped the feline off of his friend, causing the cat to instantly relax and start purring again, much to Naruto's outrage.

"Good. Lost pet Tora, captured. Mission accomplished." Kakashi declared through the mic.

"CAN'T WE GET A BETTER MISSION THAN THIS? I HATE CATS!" Naruto screeched through the headset, causing Hoshino to groan in pain and Kakashi to crash to the ground due to the loud noise. Sasuke winced and threw the headset off his head as Sakura began yelling at Naruto.

The cat placed it's paw on Hoshino's face, causing him to close one eye. "That tickles..." He laughed.

Naruto and Sasuke blushed while Sakura squealed at the Mizu heir, who was even more confused with his teammates' behavior. Kakashi cleared his throat. "Don't get too attached, Hoshino-Kun. Tora has a home to get back to."

"I think I know why he ran away." Hoshino deadpanned as he watched Tora get squashed in a hug from his owner. Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as Naruto laughed in delight at the cat's misery.

"Stupid cat! He deserves to be squashed!"

Sakura shook her head in sympathy for the poor feline while Sasuke, being Sasuke, showed no signs of caring.

Lord Third drew their attention by picking up some papers. "Some of the missions we have available are... babysitting the Feudal Lord's three year old, helping his wife do the shopping, digging up potatoes in the-"

"NO!" Naruto shouted, cutting him off and making an 'X' with his arms. "I want to go on a real mission! Not this boring kids stuff! Come on, old man!"

"Um, Naruto, you really shouldn't be yelling at Lord Hokage..." Hoshino tried, but his words fell deaf on his ears.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Iruka yelled, standing up. "You're a brand new Genin with no experience, so you start off with small missions like everyone else!"

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